The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Forgot to do my online Latin assignments, oh well. My professor doesn't really care if I do them a bit late, just as long as they are finished before the chapter.

Reading Chapter 13 of "The Annals" by Tacitus. Love the Julio-Claudian period of Ancient Rome.
Took a nap at 4.30 in the afternoon, woke up half past midnight :zzz: Started cooking Cordon Bleu and pasta at 1am for dinner, and now I'll sleep another 5 hours before training resumes. This thursday disappeared.
I did P90X chest and back workouts as well as the ab ripper earlier today. I can barely sit up and lift my arms. So right now I'm planted in my computer chair with a big class of water about to finish season one of Game of Thrones.
so what the hell do you all think about these strange sounds that people are hearing around the world? I know the majority of them are hoaxes, but I was watching CNN yesterday and they reported on strange boom sounds near Wisconsin city. It would seem really odd for a national news network with the hundreds possibly thousands of correspondents they employ to report on something that has been "debunked" about a month ago. Unless CNN is part of the hoax, but that would make even less sense.
so what the hell do you all think about these strange sounds that people are hearing around the world? I know the majority of them are hoaxes, but I was watching CNN yesterday and they reported on strange boom sounds near Wisconsin city. It would seem really odd for a national news network with the hundreds possibly thousands of correspondents they employ to report on something that has been "debunked" about a month ago. Unless CNN is part of the hoax, but that would make even less sense.

so what the hell do you all think about these strange sounds that people are hearing around the world? I know the majority of them are hoaxes, but I was watching CNN yesterday and they reported on strange boom sounds near Wisconsin city. It would seem really odd for a national news network with the hundreds possibly thousands of correspondents they employ to report on something that has been "debunked" about a month ago. Unless CNN is part of the hoax, but that would make even less sense.

Haven't heard any here, and assumed they were hoaxes, but apparently some of my family on the East Coast are hearing them on occasion as well. Loud enough to shake the house(s) at times.
God damn. I'm getting raped by my studies. Everyday 6-7 hours of studying. I have 4 exams this coming week and i don't know if i'm going to finish on time.
Haven't heard any here, and assumed they were hoaxes, but apparently some of my family on the East Coast are hearing them on occasion as well. Loud enough to shake the house(s) at times.

I heard one of those the other night. Weird times. SONIC BOOMS BY XENU'S 747 FLEET AMIRITE

Trying to stop sweating so I can change out of my "hamburger" shirt and gym shorts by the time the boss returns to the office.
Congrats unknown. I remember handing in my (undergraduate, history) thesis and drinking a whole bottle of champagne (per person) w/the rest of the history department. What a victorious, splendid feeling.

edit: After yogging at lunch my body has decided to expel the 20 or so whole brussels sprouts I stoner-ate last night, hang on to your butts fellas!
He seems knowledgable, but his tendency to jump to conclusions (at least on the show) kind of ruins it for me.