The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I started P90x in Austin. My buddy had it on his laptop and I was always curious what it was like. I'm sore as shit right now and I'm only four days in and it's getting progressively more hardcore. I'm thinking those infomercials aren't so full of shit on this one. I can barely lift my arms up. haha

Into my second or third day of straight partying,amazing how this harmless powder gives me the get up and go to just keep going when all the others succumb to sleep.Not really doing all that much apart from chugging down beer smoking and listening to music.
P90x will only bust your pooper valve man,in years to come we'll look back on it like we know view the karate kids 'wax on,wax off' bullshit.Unless there's a serious need for excerise it's just a passing fad.Some may view weight loss as a serious need but not when you can get the magick powder,it's fun and there's no fuss.But also I think it matters if a person cares if they live and are healthy and pure,everyone's different,my father had a small heart attack a bit over a week ago.He's a fitness freakl,always trained as a boxer,runs miles and all the rest and has just started giving me shit about my lifestyle,I just don't give a fuck and don't want to live a long life but everyone's different.
This speed is amazing harmless powder,it has so many benefits,from the moment I take makes me incredibly horny,I pretty much have to rub one out every time as I don't have a girlfriend and most nice girls are'nt down with that stuff.I think what I was trying to say is that i've known quite a few really fit people that have died at a very early age.Now here's the thing,I believe they were/are physically fit but imo strenuous physical activity on a regular basis makes people stress out mentally.The regular strenous activity makes them forget how to relax and just not give a shit,it makes them insane.
There seems to be a point for fitness junky's where they forget why it is they began excersing in the first place and continue to push things to the point where it becomes unnecessary and counter productive,thinking they are making improvements.That's the issue I have with P90X and similar progressive programs.A good long walk would most likely be far better in the long run or even have a rest day and do nothing if that's what you feel like.
In an internet cafe. I just played about two straight hours of Warcraft III. I lost each match, but it was still really fun. I wonder why I've never played it before.
I had a dream today that I was running from police and it was AWESOME. I have to commit some crime so I can do it IRL.
omg, very first thing i did this morning was slam my elbow against the corner of my desk while reaching to turn the alarm off. it hurt so bad, and it's still really sore. fuck me.
Psyched today because my translation of Aristophanes' Clouds is being performed tonight. I'm directing and acting in it too. It will be on video so I'll post it when I can.