The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Fat girls? No thanks. Call me a nazi I don't give a shit. Not even Zeph-style to make them feel good.

Fat girls? No thanks. Call me a nazi I don't give a shit. Not even Zeph-style to make them feel good.


you know what a naturally occurring pair of d-cup breasts feels like?

i like it when the whole rest of the woman's body feels like that when i'm blindfolded durring sex

a woman with 6-pack abs or "buns of steel" feels wierd to me, like i'm having sex with a guy and the whole "thin enough to be sexy" thing feels like i'm having sex with a skeleton
Boob-feeling is entitled to boobs and the rest of the body is not supposed to be another big boob with boobs.
Whooty is totally what I'm into. My buddy has a little sister who is a fitness model, and chicks that are ripped are just not sexy to me. See below:


Of course, the fake tans are the real turn off here.
@Suparmurat: the fake tans and the fucking anorexia. I've started going to the gym recently and some of the girls there...sheeeet. There's one who squats 3 plates (315 lbs) but I would hit that so hard, whoever pulled me out would be crowned king of england. Those freaks in that picture are not healthy. Healthy people have body fat.
Urgh, I hate fake tan slags. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck. I might go to Dresden on Saturday. I might be able to convince the girl to come too.
Boob-feeling is entitled to boobs and the rest of the body is not supposed to be another big boob with boobs.

Reason #24578934595934 why I <333333 Onder.

I started a lifting routine yesterday, and I am going to get SO RIPPED. I'm probably like 30% body fat right now which is just sad.

Reminder: it is not the female's job to be appealing to the male
Boob-feeling is entitled to boobs and the rest of the body is not supposed to be another big boob with boobs.
i kinda disagree, i like it when the rest of the body has the same squishy feeling as the boobs
I've gone down on somewhat overweight girls. It's actually a lot of fun. Though thinner girls work better on top.
squshy girls on top can work if they're not morbidly obese, i like girls that are just big enough to be squishy, not really really huge or too heavy to be on top
I'd definitely rather fuck someone that is slightly overweight than someone who is 90 pounds and skinny as a rail.
skinny as a rail is disgusting to me
Whooty is totally what I'm into. My buddy has a little sister who is a fitness model, and chicks that are ripped are just not sexy to me. See below:


Of course, the fake tans are the real turn off here.
girls with 6-pack abs or buns of steel freak me out, a female's body should have a layer of fat wrapped around the uterus to coushion the baby when she gats pregnant, the gap of time between the egg being fertilized and the day the woman's perion is late, the embryo is extremely fragile, there should be an already existing coushion there, unless the woman is pre-puberty or post-menopausal, and i don't really like any kind of "tan color, i like the milky-white celtic-pale girls
Im watching the Blues vs the Detoilet Redwings
i don't watch sports
Redwings get away with SO much shit.
Quick whistles when their goalie has it, but when the Blues goalie has it, it takes forever.
Also tons of no calls on dumb fuck Kronwall
this post^^^ made no sense to me cuz i don't watch sports
Healthy people have body fat.
yes thank you
Body fat is what makes the ass and titties bulge. At least my buddy's little sister isn't this gross:

the pic is disgusting, but there are guys that would think it's sexy
zabu of n&#937;d;10243501 said:
Those pictures are disgusting
yes the pics are disgusting women should be squishy
Urgh, I hate fake tan slags. Yuck, Yuck, Yuck.
i hate fake tans to, people should walk around with their natural skin color
Reason #24578934595934 why I <333333 Onder.

I started a lifting routine yesterday, and I am going to get SO RIPPED. I'm probably like 30% body fat right now which is just sad.

Reminder: it is not the female's job to be appealing to the male

30% body fat isn't really abnormal, lots of people are walking around with 40-45% bodyfat

i never said it was a "female's job" to look sexy, i was just bitching about the girls that get 6-pack abs with buns of steel, or get really super-skinny, or get ugly-colored tans to try to look sexy, these women actually looked sexy-er before they started morphing themselves to look sexy
What am i doing at this moment???
sexually gawking at the pics that pop up when you google image search the word "whooty"