The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm having a completely kvlt hillside battle with spears and shields with my allergies. Waiting on my medicine to advance from far east in the suns first rays
Back from breakfast on a tranquil Friday morning. About to hit the shower before I'm off to Psychology lecture and an Anthropology film about the Aztecs. After that I'm free. What shall I do this afternoon???
Oh right I just realized I'm participating in an experiment (as a subject) in order to earn research credits for my psychology class. That's at 1 PM today. I have no clue what they're going to do to me.
why not first 1 and then 2?...

I've been watching them chronologically backwards since Season 4. I've seen 5 and 6 when they were on TV, then I got Season 4 on DVD. Since then we bought the first 3 and I'm going backwards while my parents are starting with 1 and going forwards.
waiting for the chow hall to open. this is the longest half hour of my day. ive got all my systems set up how i want, and read through nearly all the threads, now i just wait for somthing new to come up and watch the clock.

np moonsorrow
Now, i am playing Battlefield Vietnam, at the same time listening to Emperor, and at the same time posting in the forums.