The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Watching the end of Saving Private Ryan. I was more upset about a 1903 Springfield (rifle) getting blown up than the character that was using it. :erk:
Just put my laundry in the dryer downstairs. Waiting for the dining hall to open for brunch. Pumped to watch the Pats obliterate the Bills.
just got up, writing a paper for my Lit about Society class and eating a huge chocolate chip muffin
wondering if my problems with this site are going to get better. and listening to acid bath

i'm also wondering why people are getting all worked up about ahmadinejad speaking at a college. i'd love to meet the guy, and not to kick his ass or anything, just to talk. his entire goal for this trip is to voice his opinion on the current state of things and id love to hear it, and everyone else should be too
wondering if my problems with this site are going to get better. and listening to acid bath

i'm also wondering why people are getting all worked up about ahmadinejad speaking at a college. i'd love to meet the guy, and not to kick his ass or anything, just to talk. his entire goal for this trip is to voice his opinion on the current state of things and id love to hear it, and everyone else should be too

yea, i'd like to hear it as well. The fact, however, that he wanted to go to Ground Zero and walk around i can understand people getting pissed at. People were agrivated at that simply because of who he is and where he is from. Even though thats not right, i still dont think he should've wanted to go to Ground zero to talk. There would have been large riots that the police knew they wouldnt be able to control, and they wouldnt be able to protect him. Now he's speaking at Columbia, and i know people that are going to protest and that are writing letters to the college to stop this, but it wont do anything. Even though Iran denounced terrorism at the beginning of the war, our relationship with them did wear out over time and its weird he wants to come over now I still kind of wantto hear what he has to say

edit: wow i just reread that, i can't put my thoughts into words that well
i can understand people being upset about him going to ground zero too. his government DOES support terrorism and the security risk would be significant. theyd have to block the entire street off.

one things for sure, his Q&A seesion will be all over the news for the next couple of days. i'd love to get my hands on a transcript.

np edguy- hysteria. just changed to the crown- under the whip
i dont like fender necks. and tone wise theyre not my thing, except for that ultra glassy tone you can sometimes coax out of em.

and nope, not a BC rich fan either.

np nokturnal mortum