The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Went to an audition. Came back and bored out of my mind. So much free time now don't know what to do with it, and I constantly need to be doing something. Ugh, need to be out of this awkward stage of life soon.

Be thankful you're not me. I haven't done anything in weeks (and I mean anything), and I haven't been on the antidepressants in months. I'm lonely, bored, depressed, and filled with anxiety. At least there's music.
Be thankful you're not me. I haven't done anything in weeks (and I mean anything), and I haven't been on the antidepressants in months. I'm lonely, bored, depressed, and filled with anxiety. At least there's music.

Does that include not smoking weed? If you've been a heavy smoker for years, your going to be feeling pretty shitty for a couple of weeks.
Does that include not smoking weed? If you've been a heavy smoker for years, your going to be feeling pretty shitty for a couple of weeks.

^Truth. But it's not uncommon to get depressed from smoking a lot of weed. It makes you feel better in the moment, but doesn't give you the motivation to actually fix your life. This coming from a fairly regular smoker who's had to watch himself. I now only smoke when I'm with friends, or sometimes alone, if I'm not feeling depressed.
Neph: Sounds pretty rough, but you're still young people don't really want to start hanging out until like college. So things my change in regards of having things to do in a few years. I get a lot of what you described as well, never took any medicine for it because just don't believe in that sort of thing...Honestly, think it doesn't do anything. Lots of these things most people can fight off if they train their mind properly (and of course diet well and exercise). My problem now is that I work in the night my days seem to drag on for far too long. May end up volunteering somewhere. Maybe this can help you? Sometimes when you have too much time to think, it's not good when you're prone to depression.

But yes, music is a great medicine. Anything artistic, really.
Yeah, I realize things will change, and I do need to get out more. I'd like to get back into weightlifting, but that just hasn't happened yet... I personally think the meds do help, as I'm prone to anxiety attacks, and it's kinda hard to train your mind in regards to that. It will get better though, but for the moment, it does suck balls. Good luck in regards to getting over your awkward stage, too.
Neph: As much as you drive me nuts, I can't help but respond: I was in your situation at your age, had terrible anxiety and still do. But there are side effects to antidepressants that are lasting - weight gain, and even worse, sexual (I take wellbutrin, which is one of the ones with few side effects.) Benzodiazepines can also help, but they are physically addictive. I take klonopin as well, though I'm told this should only be for short-term use, and I'm starting to already develop a reliance on it. I don't know why your doctor discontinued your meds (is that why you stopped?) but you should have a talk - or look around for another doctor if need be. Chin up up man, it gets better.
Krow: Why'd you quit your job?

Getting ready to leave as I'm dog-sitting this foxy lady this weekend.

A friend of a friend just sent her this little anecdote. You can't script this shit.

I actually want to start a lawsuit against my fucking dentist
because I went there today
and she did something that's against company code
she fucking called my fucking mom to fucking tell her that she was fucking worried about me
just straight up
only because I fucking shared my fucking idea about fucking smart dentures with that fucking cunt
I hear the same fucking shit every fucking time from that fucking bitch about how I should fucking take better fucking care of my fucking teeth
then she gets fucking worried only because I'm fucking speaking my motherfucking mind, and this bitch just fucking calls my fucking mom about it just because she's fucking worried about me.
with the fucking company phone
and I'm fucking 22 years fucking old
I'm a fucking adult and she violated not only my 1st, 2nd, and 4th ammenment rights, but this fucking bitch cunt went against the fucking motherfucking company fucking code.
just straight up
so I'm gonna fucking sure her and get her fucking fired
because I'm not fucking taking that fucking shit from that fucking bitch
*sue her
just straight up, not taking that fucking shit
I'll find fucking private investigators and fucking hire my own fucking lawyers so I can file a fucking lawsuit against that fucking bitch cunt for what she fucking did to me.
I'm not putting up with any more of this fucking bullshit
never fucking again
A friend of a friend just sent her this little anecdote. You can't script this shit.

This girl sounds a bit crazy, for sure. Just a bit.

But the part that confuses me the most is (assuming this is the US) how did she violate her second amendment rights? She must have forgot the part where the dentist broke into her house and stole her gun.
This girl sounds a bit crazy, for sure. Just a bit.

But the part that confuses me the most is (assuming this is the US) how did she violate her second amendment rights? She must have forgot the part where the dentist broke into her house and stole her gun.

Good for nothing dentists, always stealin mah gunz :lol:
Got to teach on MLKs "I Have a Dream" speech to my 10th grade class today. Was probably my favorite lesson I've ever taught. The students really connected with it and I was able to push the conversation to the way class inequality effects us today, which really got their attention. Unfortunately the assignment had to be degraded by an ultra-austere district required test on the speech. If it was up to me we would have done something way more interesting. When I'm teaching my own class I think I'm gonna have the students write and read their own social justice speeches modeled after King's.

Now I have to make a 180 day curriculum, which is due tomorrow and I haven't even started it. All I want to do is sleep.
Got to teach on MLKs "I Have a Dream" speech to my 10th grade class today. Was probably my favorite lesson I've ever taught. The students really connected with it and I was able to push the conversation to the way class inequality effects us today, which really got their attention. Unfortunately the assignment had to be degraded by an ultra-austere district required test on the speech. If it was up to me we would have done something way more interesting. When I'm teaching my own class I think I'm gonna have the students write and read their own social justice speeches modeled after King's.

Now I have to make a 180 day curriculum, which is due tomorrow and I haven't even started it. All I want to do is sleep.

You're right - 50 years later, there are so many inequalities that we STILL are not able to fight. I've heard the term "post-racial society" (obviously bullshit) but for a society that has progressed so much since then, we have such a long way to go. I could go on and on as I have pretty strong opinions on this, but I'll spare you guys the preaching.

Are you the main teacher for your classes, by the way? (I know you mentioned this to me a while ago, I just forget...)
Yeah some people just have their heads under a rock. Stuff like post-racial society is laughable when there's so much inequality and so many institutional reinforcements to that inequality.

Right now I teach one 10th grade period for 3 hours a week. In a few weeks I'll also start teaching an 8th grade period 3 hours a week. The rest of the time I'm observing my guiding teachers. So it's a nice balance of getting to really lead a pair of classes but still getting a chance to observe vet teachers a work. But as the year goes on I'll be teaching more and more.