The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm slowly realizing that alcohol recently started doing actual physical damage to my body. I think it's the nerves maybe. It happens after I drink too much. I start shaking, feeling sick, sweaty and my hands and legs start going numb. I want to just go out tonight and not drink but I don't have friends like that. Everybody just has beers and talk. What else is there? What do people do for fun? What the fuck.

In the evening I have to lend my laptop to my mother so she can watch a movie in HD and I don't want to be around to see her touching it. :erk:
enjoying my Saturday
the Vancouver vs NY game on my ipad
Nominon on my computer
I have my window blinds open and the sun is messing with my computer screen, showing all the dust. Too lazy to wipe it off.
Worked on my final project for my women's history course yesterday afternoon, worked in the pharmacy that evening, continued working on the project all night, worked in the pharmacy from 9AM-6PM today, and now I'm drinking Old English in a brown paper bag. Time for weird dreams and more homework tomorrow.
Saban is an idiot. Hilarious!

Yeah that was fucking horrible. At least put some athletic guys on the field so they have a chance at stopping the runback. It looked like the kicker and holder were the only two players under 250.

Gonna go out and get some nomz, watch the Missouri/A@M game and work on a group project that I'm ultimately going to have to do all by myself.
Reckless driving is something that should be celebrated when it only results in the death of the driver, tbh.