The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Pretty much everyone likes Black Sabbath, so....


Really proud of that one actually haha
Just had a coffee. I'm looking after my little sister. Well she's growing up really fast actually. Trying to study french. Si Pavel avait épousé Véronika, ils auraient les enfants. I don't even know if that's correct tbh.
While I've been waiting for my background check to finish so I can start my new job, I've gotten about a dozen calls over the past few days about other jobs, and am only pursuing direct hire opportunities. I have an interview today with a company that's literally a 20 minute walk from my house. This would save me from about 4 hours of total daily commute that I'm going to be committing to for the next couple months with the job I've been offered.

There are going to be about 5 executives from this company interviewing me, including the HR manager, CIO, VP of Operations and VP of Project Management. I'm not too nervous about it because the spread of expertise means we won't be discussing my technical clout very much, just putting my personality on display.
RIP Nelson Mandela.

Afternoon guys, I'm having a few days off from work for the first time ever (hence why I haven't posted lately.) My girlfriend's aunt has become obsessed with me because I'm a film student, and she works in a film studio (like a secretary or something.) So she invited me and her to LA next month to see the place. Thought it was weird, cause she asked me before her. I have no idea how I could do it, and I've accepted that it probably won't even happen, but I really hope it might.

Eligos: My mom's waiting for her background check to be finished, it's stressful. You're right to look at other jobs just incase. Good luck with your search, hope you find something soon.