The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Spent the last week starting another Yoga Teacher Training program. Shit is fucking intense. 6 days straight of rigorous study and practice. Next module is in February. Happy to get a few months off to deepen my skills and practice.

Yesterday was my birthday. Good times.

Now back to work. Came back to piles of shit to do on my desk. FML.
Gender biases conversation, as does age. I never tell.

You're a fucking retard. By saying that, we automatically know you're a woman. Being a man wouldn't bias conversation here, because most people are men, nobody's going to think of somebody differently for also being a man. The only gender that might cause "bias conversation" would be female, so you're female (or a tranny).

It would've been smarter for you to just lie and say you're a dude
Spent the last week starting another Yoga Teacher Training program. Shit is fucking intense. 6 days straight of rigorous study and practice. Next module is in February. Happy to get a few months off to deepen my skills and practice.

Yesterday was my birthday. Good times.

Now back to work. Came back to piles of shit to do on my desk. FML.

Happy birthday. I hope you smoked a nice, big fatty of the dankest cannabis Los Angeles has to offer.
You're a fucking retard. By saying that, we automatically know you're a woman. Being a man wouldn't bias conversation here, because most people are men, nobody's going to think of somebody differently for also being a man. The only gender that might cause "bias conversation" would be female, so you're female (or a tranny).

It would've been smarter for you to just lie and say you're a dude

Chill down there Joey. I can be a girl if you want me to, you just keep that blood pressure in check.
You're a fucking retard. By saying that, we automatically know you're a woman. Being a man wouldn't bias conversation here, because most people are men, nobody's going to think of somebody differently for also being a man. The only gender that might cause "bias conversation" would be female, so you're female (or a tranny).

It would've been smarter for you to just lie and say you're a dude

I recently have started to try to ignore the majority of shit I see posted here that is generally in poor taste or just outright offensive, but using terms like "tranny" really shouldn't be acceptable (from a personal moral responsibility to not be a shithead and also from a community standard) here (nor should other terms like my pals and faggot - but I'm not going to get anywhere on those grounds here.)
I recently have started to try to ignore the majority of shit I see posted here that is generally in poor taste or just outright offensive, but using terms like "tranny" really shouldn't be acceptable (from a personal moral responsibility to not be a shithead and also from a community standard) here (nor should other terms like my pals and faggot - but I'm not going to get anywhere on those grounds here.)

What are you, a tranny?
What are you, an edgy teenager?

For the record, no. I am not, but words like that serve no purpose but to offend and cause harm and while it might seem like harmless "boys will be boys" talk it really isn't.

He isn't the norm here, is he? Don't tell me all the cool mature adults I've been talking to are gonna flip some time and turn into teenagers like this doucher.
What are you, an edgy teenager?

For the record, no. I am not, but words like that serve no purpose but to offend and cause harm and while it might seem like harmless "boys will be boys" talk it really isn't.

If you aren't a transsexual or homosexual or something, why do you feel the need to be a sanctimonious douche on a message board? I mean, most people here don't care, and it's not like anybody would say these words to people in real life. Your little self-righteous rants aren't going to do anything. If anybody is actually homophobic or whatever, it's not going to stop them from using hateful words, and the people who aren't actually hateful already know not to use them in a forum where it matters. You're just wasting your time.

I'm sorry that I offended you to the point where you had to waste your time.
He isn't the norm here, is he? Don't tell me all the cool mature adults I've been talking to are gonna flip some time and turn into teenagers like this doucher.

Most people here seem to be pretty real and straight forward, and when you give little, stupid walk-around-the-question answers you're going to get made fun of. There are some women who post here, and nobody gives them shit because they're not pansies.
Granted krampus apparently has enough shit for everyone.

Oh and mort is way too sensitive to everything. The estrogen be with him.
Most people here seem to be pretty real and straight forward, and when you give little, stupid walk-around-the-question answers you're going to get made fun of. There are some women who post here, and nobody gives them shit because they're not pansies.

Frankly I was just curious why you gave a shit enough to call me a retard for opting not to answer your question seriously. But it's all good.

Btw... suck my dick. :fu:
Frankly I was just curious why you gave a shit enough to call me a retard for opting not to answer your question seriously. But it's all good.

Btw... suck my dick. :fu:

Thank you for handling this well. David has a reasonable point that transexuals would be offended by the word "tranny" just as much as homosexuals "faggot" or black people "my pals" (different word than "nigga"). He draws attention to himself because the majority of people don't make this connection while he does.

That said, you also draw attention to yourself for making a point of hiding your gender. The only women on this forum who get treated with any "gender bias" are those who flaunt their femininity and make a spectacle of themselves, and those individuals usually don't last too long.
'Tranny' doesn't bear the same kind of negative connotations as 'faggot' or 'my pals'. It might not be the best thing to say but it's not a hateful or divisive term.
Thank you for handling this well. David has a reasonable point that transexuals would be offended by the word "tranny" just as much as homosexuals "faggot" or black people "my pals" (different word than "nigga"). He draws attention to himself because the majority of people don't make this connection while he does.

That said, you also draw attention to yourself for making a point of hiding your gender. The only women on this forum who get treated with any "gender bias" are those who flaunt their femininity and make a spectacle of themselves, and those individuals usually don't last too long.

Not a fan of people prying into personal details I didn't invite them to enjoy. Won't share my age, gender, skin color, hair color, sexual preference, or occupation. It's just how I be.

If my preference for privacy makes me stand out, so be it. Draw what conclusions ya want but don't expect an answer from this horse's mouth.