The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Mathiäs;10757525 said:
'Tranny' doesn't bear the same kind of negative connotations as 'faggot' or 'my pals'. It might not be the best thing to say but it's not a hateful or divisive term.

I don't know any trans people that don't find it offensive who aren't advertising on porn sites
I have a few trans acquaintances and have actually had this discussion before. They would prefer people not use it, but I do not believe it's inherently derogatory
Carpe Mortem, I respect your decision. When I'm asked for EOE information on job applications, I always opt out. I like to avoid discrimination whenever possible. My band gets lumped into "girly metal" from time to time because two of our members are female, but we've dismissed those kinds of promotions thus far.

That being said, the user base of the GMD forum is kind of a tightly knit bunch that insults each other pretty liberally. A number of us have met in person and have been known to make stops on vacations to hang out with each other. I'm not sure how long you'll be able to maintain your biological ambiguity without fading into a Cronopio-esque trolldom laden with cameo appearances dedicated to brief insults.
Carpe Mortem, I respect your decision. When I'm asked for EOE information on job applications, I always opt out. I like to avoid discrimination whenever possible. My band gets lumped into "girly metal" from time to time because two of our members are female, but we've dismissed those kinds of promotions thus far.

That being said, the user base of the GMD forum is kind of a tightly knit bunch that insults each other pretty liberally. A number of us have met in person and have been known to make stops on vacations to hang out with each other. I'm not sure how long you'll be able to maintain your biological ambiguity without fading into a Cronopio-esque trolldom laden with cameo appearances dedicated to brief insults.

Cool how everyone just assumes I'm a chick. That's... depressing haha. Whatever I am, it would be depressing. I like to think that with my experience being private on forums I've mastered the asexual vibe.
If you aren't a transsexual or homosexual or something, why do you feel the need to be a sanctimonious douche on a message board? I mean, most people here don't care, and it's not like anybody would say these words to people in real life. Your little self-righteous rants aren't going to do anything. If anybody is actually homophobic or whatever, it's not going to stop them from using hateful words, and the people who aren't actually hateful already know not to use them in a forum where it matters. You're just wasting your time.

I'm sorry that I offended you to the point where you had to waste your time.

Not to sound dramatic or anything, but when you see the things that transfolk deal with simply because they are who they are (even more so when they are close friends) it does make oneself (or at least myself) more aware that certain words and actions are actively harmful. Truthfully, I don't truly care if someone is offended by something I do or say, (not that I'd ever go out of my way to offend someone) but at some point things can move beyond simple offense and into hurting. When something reaches that point, I think people need to realize the full weight or what they do or say.
Cool how everyone just assumes I'm a chick. That's... depressing haha. Whatever I am, it would be depressing. I like to think that with my experience being private on forums I've mastered the asexual vibe.

*Agender. You can't be asexual if you have sex. Speaking of sex, if you don't want people asking about your gender, don't bring up sex.

And why did you never get mad at Jimmy, he called you a cunt face?
Asexuality doesn't mean the individual can't have sex, it just means they don't experience sexual desire and attraction. Most likely they don't have sex, but some do for other reasons than those two.
Cool how everyone just assumes I'm a chick. That's... depressing haha. Whatever I am, it would be depressing. I like to think that with my experience being private on forums I've mastered the asexual vibe.

I'm sorry I didn't shut up by now, but I'm honestly curious, how is that depressing?
Mort, why waste your time worrying about what comes out of peoples mouths. Do you think words should be banned?

Not in the sense of a legal ban, but I do believe places like this do have a moral responsibility to prevent harmful language from being used. I realize it won't likely ever happen, but it would be good.

Edit: I do realize it is something that could become very troublesome, but it would be worth sorting through the inevitable shitfests to prevent it imo.
Mort, I only ever see that word in a specifically pornographic context. It is my policy to moderate racism and hate speech on this forum, and I will keep your sensitivities in mind if I ever see transexuals maligned in any analogous way on this forum.
Yeah, it is mostly used in the context of porn but I have run into it on the net and elsewhere in a certain few circumstances such as the one that sparked this discussion. It is for example the word that most transfolk hear when being assaulted (verbally, physically or sexually) and while I do not know of any transgender individuals here it is still a very hate soaked word even if it isn't necessarily used that way.

I do appreciate it.