The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I like the cold and snow honestly but the roads are always shit dick in West Virginia which makes it a pain. No snow here yet, but wind chill is supposed to fluctuate between -20 to -40 tomorrow night.
Southern Maryland, especially the lower portion of St. Mary's never gets too bad. The temperature mostly only goes below freezing during the night and morning for most of winter. Other than that, it's pretty tolerable.. The geographical setting of a peninsula is pretty interesting too, in terms of it's effect on winter weather. When we got a blizzard a few years back, the Northern portion of the county got well over a foot of snow, whereas just 20 miles below that barely got six inches, but more ice. The Summers here can suck though, totally swampy, hot weather.
It's honestly not the cold. It's the fucking wind. Can't deal. Also, don't have heating in my room nor do I own a proper winter coat (just layer with sweaters and call it a day).

Put me on a tropical island, plz.
Yeah it is cold as fuckballs here. It's supposed to be -4 tomorrow but that isn't gonna stop me from getting out of this fucking house
Winter is the worst. I already put in for a comp day Monday so I don't have to worry about traveling to work. Fuck that.

Here's what it looked like out of my bedroom window early on during the snow storm. Also, there's a bird in that tree and he was staring at me.
