The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I don't think I ever bought weed, always offered to give them money but they never took it. My luck with that would probably run out soon, though.

Really disappointed. Burnt my Trader Joes dinner. :[
I'm glad Lateralus is gone. What a shit poster. Not saying I'm much better, but at least Istopped the racism after Deron told me to.
You bought weed while drunk?? You probably purchased a single gram of brick weed for $200.

No it was all friends and I keep count of my cash, sold me two grams for 20 so I'm good.

I just totally forgot it happened and who I got it from, I'll have to send a massive thank you to all the stoners I know and discover this haha.
Called off today myself. Wind chill was -5 today and the road had about three inches of snow on it. Fuck dat.
right now i'm literally trembling uncontrollably due to my roughly 20th IV dose of MDPV since about yesterday at 3 pm. with a 4 hour sleep break and various administrations of acetyl-fentanyl in between to feebly attempt to smooth out this insane high.

you know mdpv is fucking insane when a drug like acetyl-fentanyl, which is so potent that when IV'ing you must take extreme care not to put so much as a single crystal shard too much or it's your life, doesn't even touch it. i've shot probably 30-50 mg of acetyl-fentanyl since yesterday when i began this fucking ascent to the darkest most epic peaks of high-as-fuck-mountain, and the most it ever did was reduce my heart rate a bit and give me an overall sensation of being jammed, over the mdpv high. no matter what i did i could not put out the landing hear, landing mdpv is like lading a flying skyscraper with wings and about just as aerodynamic. you're either going to keep going until something stops you or crash. you can crash-land, try to cushion the blow, but there is no true landing gear when it comes to this amazingly evil stim.

basiclly i'm on a whole other level of so fucking high. this shit is brand new. ask about it.
it's definitely not productive, healthy, or positive in any way. it's actually the direct opposite of those things actually. but i don't think you would describe it as stupid. the last thing i would describe this experience as is "stupid". words more like intense, evil, sinister, amazing, euphoric, gluttonous, insane come to mind just off the top of the head.
Moab and Arches are both rad as well, the latter moreso the farther you veer off trail.

I'm so excited. We are going to hopefully knock out Section 1 or 2 of the Hayduke Trail - I wish I had months and months to do this :(

All the sections are listed here.

^ FUCK. YES. :kickass:

Are you checking out Bryce or Zion National Park?

Yes, we're flying out of Vegas so we can swing down Zion way on the tail end!

it's definitely not productive, healthy, or positive in any way. it's actually the direct opposite of those things actually. but i don't think you would describe it as stupid. the last thing i would describe this experience as is "stupid". words more like intense, evil, sinister, amazing, euphoric, gluttonous, insane come to mind just off the top of the head.

MDPV is up there with coke, 4-MMC and a-pvp for me aka "too dangerous for my compulsive tendencies"
right now i'm literally trembling uncontrollably due to my roughly 20th IV dose of MDPV since about yesterday at 3 pm. with a 4 hour sleep break and various administrations of acetyl-fentanyl in between to feebly attempt to smooth out this insane high.

you know mdpv is fucking insane when a drug like acetyl-fentanyl, which is so potent that when IV'ing you must take extreme care not to put so much as a single crystal shard too much or it's your life, doesn't even touch it. i've shot probably 30-50 mg of acetyl-fentanyl since yesterday when i began this fucking ascent to the darkest most epic peaks of high-as-fuck-mountain, and the most it ever did was reduce my heart rate a bit and give me an overall sensation of being jammed, over the mdpv high. no matter what i did i could not put out the landing hear, landing mdpv is like lading a flying skyscraper with wings and about just as aerodynamic. you're either going to keep going until something stops you or crash. you can crash-land, try to cushion the blow, but there is no true landing gear when it comes to this amazingly evil stim.

basiclly i'm on a whole other level of so fucking high. this shit is brand new. ask about it.

I would definitely describe this as stupid. Beyond stupid.
The only thing worse than an ex-junkie (talk about being 'clean' too much) is a soon to be junkie. I'll take a conversation with someone currently addicted, resigned to their stupidity and likely upcoming death, anytime. Just gotta keep your shit close at hand and don't let them leave the living room.
Needles are damn terrifying.

I trek a mile and a half to work in the snow, to find out the office was closed (but the building opened). I saw at the entrance one of our guys with cerebral palsy shoveling snow. I felt really bad for him because he's a lot shorter than me and his legs are crooked. No one was helping him. I complained to my boss about them having that man shoveling by himself like that and she just kind of shrugged. My area got the highest snow total too, so that's really not right at all.

anyways, my hair was a huge ice cube after all that. next time im just going to be lazy.
The only scenario where I'd find myself willing to try those really hardcore drugs would be if I was just totally over life and on the verge of suicide. Might as well try that shit before you off yourself...
I trek a mile and a half to work in the snow, to find out the office was closed (but the building opened). I saw at the entrance one of our guys with cerebral palsy shoveling snow. I felt really bad for him because he's a lot shorter than me and his legs are crooked. No one was helping him. I complained to my boss about them having that man shoveling by himself like that and she just kind of shrugged. My area got the highest snow total too, so that's really not right at all.

anyways, my hair was a huge ice cube after all that. next time im just going to be lazy.

That's just terrible.

I unwrapped a set of 695mb's earlier that I got in the mail from eBay today! :Spin:

To bad the high was 26 :cry: