The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's just like Netflix, I tried it for a month and it's not as though you get to stream the entirety of the Amazon library. In fact, most of the movies I wanted to see were unavailable.

But I dunno, maybe you watch more National Lampoon than me.
Mathiäs;10767666 said:
It's interesting how many anti-government libertarian types end up working for it :p

I can't speak for everyone, but for me you've got it backwards. Seeing the bs firsthand helped to enlighten me, and so I am no longer in (Ive been out since 09). On the other hand, while I won't work for the DoD anymore, I have no intention of "going Galt", and the various branches and levels of government are so suffocatingly entangled in every aspect of life there isn't really any way to be divorced from it. You either work for the government or for a company that does.
I was on my way back to work after picking up food for everyone when I noticed traffic got really bad for some reason. Eventually I got to where a bunch of people hadtheir cars parked in the middle of the road, and a group of people were just standing around.

I wasn't sure if two cars had hit each other, but there was no damage to the vehicles so I figured that wasn't the case...and then I saw a man laying motionless on the ground. I can't say he was dead for certain, but there was this air of dread around the group of people there ... faces terrified so I do imagine that was the case.

As I passed by them the ambulance and police were arriving.

I honestly don't know that I've ever felt so ... disturbed I guess is the word. Seeing a presumably dead body only minutes after the incident occurred ...

Can't imagine how those involved in whatever happened feel....
PP's friend came to visit, and we went for a great nature walk at a historic battlefield yesterday. Then we went out drinking, and went to bed. His friend got up at around two and started puking and I just figured that he'd drunk too much, but he continued to puke all night getting up every 15 to 30 minutes. Apparently he had some stomach bug that he got from his nieces and nephews. I am quaking in fear that I am going to get it next. I haven't thrown up sober since I was seven years old.
wondering how, and why, when I have 20,000 songs on my spotify playlist, "shuffle" will bring up the same 30 or so artists over again. sometimes even the same artist will play twice in a row, or the same album twice in 10 songs. HOW. WHY.

first world problems
I'm back in Prague. My opinions follow:

Motorcycles: Motorcycles are stupid and dangerous. I hate those that make so much fucking noise.

Spotify: I'm using Spotify now to find cool renditions of old jazz standards but I haven't paid for it yet. Fuck youtube for listening to music. I hope Spotify gets popular so people stop fucking listening to music on Youtube.