The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I've come down with the flu, so my lungs are killing me from all the coughing.
Now I'm making a gravity bong for easier smoking , while listening to Sleep-Holy Mountain.
Thanks. It's alot of work(and aggravation) and consumes most of my free time. If I wasn't on here so often the car would be finished by now.

Thanks. It's alot of work(and aggravation) and consumes most of my free time. If I wasn't on here so often the car would be finished by now.
Brought to you be the
I drive a muscle car and you take the bus. Need I explain more.
Considering you're the one that verbally attacks with "faggotmobile" and faggot for no apparent reason at are the fucking faggot my friend.

You forgot the part where I said that I wasn't serious, so you can get over the "verbal attacks" that have stricken your soul with blight. Also, "considering" that I'm "the one that verbally attacks with...faggot for no reason at all" in no way causationally results with me being "the fucking faggot", I advise you to retake that Intro To Logic course that you evidently failed.

Faggotmobile is just a funny word.

And I don't know what made you think that I take a bus. Actually I do take a bus at my university since it's the only means of traveling between the 4 different campuses because they don't allow you to take your own car between classes. Unless, of course, you want to buy a different fucking parking permit for every campus you have classes on.

That said, and added with the new knowledge that you spend so much time on your "muscle" faggotmobile, I still think you're a faggot (which, by your logic, makes me a faggot (gg on that one)).