The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

riding down the sidewalk of a fairly busy road here in Springfield
A rabbit ran out of some bushes and into the street.
Quickly got ran over by an SUV. Fucking bunnies. Stay in the bush!
just as bad as squirrels
i think it's reasonable to say that the best robin williams movies were generally ones where he wasn't in a lead role, like 'deconstructing harry' and branagh's hamlet and whatnot. the gilliam movies are respectable enough too although i'm not a big gilliam fan personally. i mostly just like robin williams for all the iconic roles he played in family movies over the years, i think that's what a lot of people in my generation will remember him for. older generations will remember him for his stand-up i guess, which was surely his most skillful work as an entertainer, if not really my cup of tea.

dude also played one hell of a creepy bad guy. i think part of his appeal (and i don't mean this in an insulting way, i liked him for it) was that his aura occupied uneasy spaces between friendly uncle and that guy down the road with the weird glasses who spends a bit too much time hanging around outside the school. he was a man of paradoxes and his comedy was the same; quite a lot of sadness and rage buried in that mania. in that respect his end, while tragic, isn't particularly surprising to me. always got the feeling he's one of those people who was inspired to be a comedian because the world is so damn sad.
Not to mention 'World's Greatest Dad', probably one of his best fucking movies IMO.

And, ironically enough, involves death by asphyxiation and depression. Seriously, watch it.
I'm pretty sure that my first account was made sometime in 2004...can't believe I've been here for a decade. Been here long enough to see BlackMetalTyrant going on rampages against Greys for racist comments, Susperia painting Erik without his consent, Dave's knowing what good looks are because he studied that shit or whatever...too much shit.

lmao i only just read this.

BlackMetalTyrant is cargo.
Got a pre-employment drug test in about a week, and I smoke a lot of pot. Not concerned whether I get this particular job or not as I've had about a dozen interviews over the last week... so doing a 'pooping out the THC' experiment.

Hello, guilt-free Mexican food extravaganza!
They're now reporting that Williams hung himself. This whole thing is just really, really sad.

Got a pre-employment drug test in about a week, and I smoke a lot of pot. Not concerned whether I get this particular job or not as I've had about a dozen interviews over the last week... so doing a 'pooping out the THC' experiment.

Hello, guilt-free Mexican food extravaganza!

Do you know what kind of test it is? Because if it's a hair test (or blood test, but it won't be), you're fucked. Is there anyway you can get a MMJ license within the week?
Do you know what kind of test it is? Because if it's a hair test (or blood test, but it won't be), you're fucked. Is there anyway you can get a MMJ license within the week?

It's probably a urine test, not like I'm interviewing to become mayor or something. I usually do pretty good on these things, straight A student, lucky bastard that once tested three days after stopping the smoke and passed.
Bummed about Robin Williams, tbh. There goes childhood.

Pretty sure it goes by your body type. The less body fat you have the easier drugs get out of your system. Working out and drinking tons of water seem to do it. Flushes are a waste though as it makes your pee too clean and douches will fail you for that.