The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I had an N64 as my first console. I wasn't allowed consoles until someone gave me that as a gift and my parents allowed it. Anyway, I never had that many games originally, which was when they were still being made. I only had F1 World Grand Prix for ages, then I rented duke nukem 64 for a bit. Eventually I got Star Wars Episode 1 Racer, Goldeneye and Pokemon Snap, then Pokemon Stadium and mario 64. I didn't get enough pocket money to buy many games when they were actually new.

After the n64 I got an original brick gameboy and pokemon yellow. I don't think I ever had any games for it, I just happened to get a few game boy colour games after I got a gameboy advance. The gameboy advance was a really good console for it's time but it needed a backlight so badly it was ridiculous. Anyway, a hell of a lot of very cool games got ported to or released for that console.

I have a DS now, but I don't use it very often, I mostly just play advanced wars on it, from time to time, when I find it.
SNES and N64 both rule about equally. But Super Mario World for the SNES was my introduction to video games, so it will forever remain in my heart.

That being said; HB's hate for the N64 automatically makes him a faggot of absolutely herculean proportions.

Who said anything about frame rates? Kill yourself.

On one condition: you first. B^)
Seriously, look at any list of people's top X games for a given console, and N64 will by far be one of the biggest example of a greatest hits with few/no gems. At least the Playstation has a really diverse catalog and one you can dig into if you have your preferred niche, but the N64 just has a few high-budget first-party megahits and some party/racing games that people like to play with their buds. The N64 is so plebian.

EDIT: Just go to Mobygames; the N64 has a quarter the catalog of the SNES, and the former is dominated by dozens of sports games and racing games.
Mario Kart or leave the hall

I always thought R and S were two of the sexiest names, mostly because a lot of cool kids had names starting with those letters, but also aesthetically R is kind of standing, legs implying that it's leaning back but the bulge at the time indicates a dominant presence, and S needs no explanation. Q is so fucking irrelevant, and P even looks like an R with its leg retracted so as to maximize its distance from Q.

Savage child race

N64 has basically no RPGs, a shitton of mediocre racing games, a couple overrated shooters praised only because of PC-inexperienced faggots, continued the trend of Nintendo trying to appeal to the retarded child audience with unchallening and uninteresting 3D platformers, and had one of the worst controllers in history.
Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Pokemon Stadium 2...don't playa hate. The N64 had some quality titles.

Only a person born in 1991 (or later) could prefer the N64 to the SNES. You are literally a child.
23 is a child. TIL.

PC games from the early/mid 90s to early/mid 2000s are so massively better than anything else.
Diablo 2, Half Life, Counter Strike, Age of Empires, Starcraft, Warcraft, Morrowind, Quake, Unreal Tournament, Baldur's Gate, Planescape: Torment...shit, you may be on to something here.
Woke up before 8:00 am for the first time in forever. It fucked sucked so fucking much. How do all ya'll with the 9 to 5 jobs not want to murder yourself with a razor every morning in the shower?
Woke up before 8:00 am for the first time in forever. It fucked sucked so fucking much. How do all ya'll with the 9 to 5 jobs not want to murder yourself with a razor every morning in the shower?

Cut with a razor? Nah.

Hang myself in an employee washroom? Now that I've contemplated.
Woke up before 8:00 am for the first time in forever. It fucked sucked so fucking much. How do all ya'll with the 9 to 5 jobs not want to murder yourself with a razor every morning in the shower?

Its actually way easier when you've done it awhile, and you begin to prefer an early morning on your days off. Like, I have all of Saturday to do shit, go discing or shopping or get lunch or something. And I feel more motivated to do so. When I only worked nights my lazy ass would wake up at 3pm and stare at the TV till it was dark out.

Pretty sure there are respected studies out there linking an early start to motivation. Try it out even if you don't have to, maybe you'll write some bomb music then still have time to like go fight a tree that looks vaguely like a dragon.
I hear what M_Y is saying. I wake up angry almost every morning, like "aw fuck this again" but I get over it pretty quick. It's just that awful chemistry in your head. I keep mints by the side of my bed for those mornings and it works every time