The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Relaxing after a gruelling day, which is unfortunately far from over but nevertheless allows room for a break or two.
Eating instant noodles.
Jizzing over the fact that I have an Iron Maiden ticket for Twickenham :D £50 but when is this chance gonna come up again?

And then checking how much I have in the bank and if I can get a Sickening Horror t-shirt.
Seein' them at Wacken. Far better.

Currently procrastinating and eating instant noodles. I practically live off them at boarding school.
Typical Zephyrus post. I had a dream last night where your "It's raining so I'm eating oatmeal" line was mentioned for some reason.


I just got back. Made 75 bucks for tuning and fixing some busted connections. I've got another job tomorrow in Brighton.

Time to bust out the oatmeal.

I'm preparing to go to my first lecture of my Greek History class.

Nice. I'm psyched for my first Roman History class a week from today.
Because it is WACKEN. It is the METAL MECCA. And it is in Germany, where beer is better.
Not to mention its costing me only about 3x as much to go there for three days. Awesome value.