The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

i just got back from a random drug test. boy wasnt that fun

That sucks. I've never been tested and am curious what you do. I'm not straightedge and know a good ammount of people and they are not either and do not see the point in drug testing.
Privacy can be molested if things done in private can negatively affect people in the public somehow (such as drugs and working or whatever is going on here).
Well, while there's a point to it, some people see it was evasive in terms of privacy. That might be what they're talking about?
I assume you mean invasive to privacy. I think it's a fine line to walk but it's like security at the airport. You do sacrifice some privacy when you go there, but it's necessary, just like not having people on drugs at a workplace. If you want to do them you can still do them in private, just don't expect to work.
That sucks. I've never been tested and am curious what you do. I'm not straightedge and know a good ammount of people and they are not either and do not see the point in drug testing.

you piss in a cup.

to be a bit more detailed, here is how they do it in the military. you go down there (after being randomly selected), you give em your ID and they put your info on the cup, then you inspect it to make sure there isnt anything in it. then you take off your BDU top, roll up your sleeves and parade around with the jar above your shoulders. you wash your hands without soap, piss in the cup while another guy watches. then you wash your hands again (this time with soap) and you parade back into the waiting room (which is always full of people) with a jar full of piss above your shoulders so everyone can see. then they seal it with a long sticker, everyone initials it, and then youre done.

but the most fun one is when you live in the dorms. all the first seargents come by, pound on your door and tell you to wake up, put on some clothes, and get on the bus. then you go to where ever and do the piss test while they inspect your room for drugs and what not.

it fucking sucks. luckily, now that im out of the dorms, i only get tagged for a drug test maaayybe once a year.
I assume you mean invasive to privacy. I think it's a fine line to walk but it's like security at the airport. You do sacrifice some privacy when you go there, but it's necessary, just like not having people on drugs at a workplace. If you want to do them you can still do them in private, just don't expect to work.

Yeah, I meant invasion of privacy. I blame that on the lack of sleep I got last night.

The whole drug testing issue is very muddy on both sides. I was supposed to get one at my second job, but never did. My boss mentioned that I needed to get one, but he never reminded me about it, so I forgot about it and I figured that it wasn't really a big issue if he didn't keep reminding me to get one. I knew the then-owner of the company at the time (and went to grade school with his daughter and lived down the street from him), so that might have had something to do with it.
I'm just heating some coffee and am going to relax looking at UM and be all cool and metal and what not,etc...
Drugs keep me sane. I call the occasional joint a service to the public. I'd be a whole lot wierder without, and I never work/go to classes stoned anyway.

At least, that's my excuse.