The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

bruce campbell is over rated. i cant believe people love this guy. sure, those movies were funny. but then we expect him to really act? bubba hotep was fucking terrible.

but if you want a massive gore fest (and i do love those by the way) you should watch dead alive
are you kidding? zombie movies are the horror equivalent to sci fi. every zombie movie should have some underlying message.

some of the popular themes are commercialism (see dawn of the dead) and the government (all those movies where government experiments go horribly wrong)
bruce campbell is over rated. i cant believe people love this guy. sure, those movies were funny. but then we expect him to really act? bubba hotep was fucking terrible.

but if you want a massive gore fest (and i do love those by the way) you should watch dead alive

The lawnmower scene is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Right now I'm looking at some Spawn of Possession tabs, hoping I can come close to even playing them.

I'm also talking to some friends, though they won't shut the fuck up about this kid who just died tonight. It's getting sort of frustrating hearing the same damn thing over and over.
The lawnmower scene is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
especially with that uber cheesy prat fall. i still like the fucking scene the best

I guess I can buy that, but I still think "government experiment goes awry ---> zombie apocalypse" is lame social commentary.

well, its about how the government does secret dangerous experiments, and then when it goes bad, instead of trying to help cure the people, the government just wants to kill em all. only a town of 10,000? fuck em! lets drop a nuke on their heads. basically, its saying the government doesnt give a fuck about you
well, its about how the government does secret dangerous experiments, and then when it goes bad, instead of trying to help cure the people, the government just wants to kill em all. only a town of 10,000? fuck em! lets drop a nuke on their heads

The problem is not that I don't get it. The problem is that I think it's a bit dumb. That's all.

The first part of The Stand makes that same point, only a hell of a lot better, if you ask me. I suppose I've just never been too into the whole zombie genre.
Mathiäs;6839398 said:
Just got finished playing Halo 3 on the interwebs with a friend.

Now I'm going to sleepz.

you play often?

i usually play a few times a week for atleast an hour or two. youll know if you see me in a match, cuz my gamer tag is the same
The problem is not that I don't get it. The problem is that I think it's a bit dumb. That's all.

The first part of The Stand makes that same point, only a hell of a lot better, if you ask me. I suppose I've just never been too into the whole zombie genre.

ah. i'm a zombie fanatic
Playing World of Warcraft, just got finished doing a dungeon with four other people for about an hour, really fun.

The lawnmower scene is one of the coolest things I've ever seen.

Party's ovah :cool:

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Welcome back to the grindstone. Take some pics when convenient.

Currently relaxing before heading out with some friends to some ethnic restaurant. Probably Vietnamese or Tibetan, but anything works.