The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Clutch killed live, Mastodon wasn't as terrible as I've been told, and Graveyard... not bad. A little disappointing though, all their live vids I've seen were mind blowing. To be fair I think its near the end of the tour. Got a mastodon pick with Richard Pryor on it. I know almost nothing about that band, but that dude... Knows what's up.

Caught a decent size perch the other day and fuckin ate it with no skin. I really need a scaler, I vastly prefer keeping the skin on. Got a big ass drum fish too which I assumed wasn't any good to eat then dude next to me says later that they're great for soup. God dammit.
Hell yeah Cody! You and Nicole are rad and I learned a ton about asceticism and chess with you guys! Great times indeed, hoping your flight went smooth and you're in your own bed atm :kickass:

Im currently spinning some new wax got from MDF and twisting and plucking out 4 days worth of pollen from my hair.
I have some headfucks going on at the moment.

Reality doesn't exist outside of a value system. Value system means bigotry in modern speak. If you don't have the correct value system or bigotry, you will never stumble upon the truth.

I really wish I could speak to someone about politics but I don't know anyone who will entertain my bullshit.
I think what you mean is that if you don't have the bigotry of Mort, you's a bigot. It isn't really a headfuck, it's a tale old as human society.

People don't like to talk politics in general unless it's about what can be received in exchange for (purportedly) nothing, so good luck with that.
I think what you mean is that if you don't have the bigotry of Mort, you's a bigot. It isn't really a headfuck, it's a tale old as human society.

People don't like to talk politics in general unless it's about what can be received in exchange for (purportedly) nothing, so good luck with that.

and what is my bigotry? curious to see what your 'enlightened' mind knows about me
and what is my bigotry? curious to see what your 'enlightened' mind knows about me

White people who don't hate white people(males) who don't hate white people(males) are bad. Those who do not hold to every single tenet of progressivism are of their father the Devil. An inability to continue to ratchet left at any point is impiety and must be punished by any means available.

Yeah, okay. There is no hate for people on the basis of their whiteness nor their being male.

Let us look strictly within the confines of the UM world:

Do I hate Schmidt? Do I hate Ein? Do I hate Jeremy (the very one who made the thread laughing at my views?) Do I hate even you?

I think you'll find the only people here that I harbor anything resembling hate for are Technical Brutality, JAGE, and on occasion The Butt.

As for the other points:

Those who do not hold to every single tenet of progressivism are of their father the Devil

Okay, let's give this one a go.

Googled "Tenets of Progressivism" and came across this.

"Elizabeth Warren's 11 Commandments of Progressivism"

"We believe that Wall Street needs stronger rules and tougher enforcement, and we're willing to fight for it."

Wall Street needs more than regulation, needs to have a noose around its neck.

We believe in science, and that means that we have a responsibility to protect this Earth

I'd like the left to be more honest on this front. It isn't about protecting the Earth, it is about protecting our ability to live on it as well as continue to enjoy it. Also definitely question their dedication to science at times with the tendency for the left to be anti-GMO and on occasion anti-vaccine (which seems to be a both left/right joint issue.)

"We believe that the Internet shouldn't be rigged to benefit big corporations, and that means real net neutrality."


"We believe that no one should work full-time and still live in poverty, and that means raising the minimum wage."

A small step forward, but ultimately not enough.

- "We believe that fast-food workers deserve a livable wage, and that means that when they take to the picket line, we are proud to fight alongside them."

Not disagreeable.

"We believe that students are entitled to get an education without being crushed by debt."

Absolutely. Millions of dollars made by exploiting those who live in a society that preaches that "You have to go to college or you can't make it" is indefensible.

"We believe that after a lifetime of work, people are entitled to retire with dignity, and that means protecting Social Security, Medicare, and pensions."

No argument.

"We believe—I can't believe I have to say this in 2014—we believe in equal pay for equal work."

No argument.

"We believe that equal means equal, and that's true in marriage, it's true in the workplace, it's true in all of America."

Here is where I find myself separating a little from these points simply because I do not believe the equality talk spewed by the liberal machine in the US. If we want to talk about equality let us talk first of justice and righting wrongs.

"We believe that immigration has made this country strong and vibrant, and that means reform."

Half-truth that ignores that this country was built upon the exploitation of immigrants and slaves.

"And we believe that corporations are not people, that women have a right to their bodies. We will overturn Hobby Lobby and we will fight for it. We will fight for it!"

Pretty inarguable.
Those aren't tenets, those are specific instances of policy prescriptions, some of which conform to progressive shibboleths, and most of which are ill-informed to begin (ie the myth of unequal pay in favor of men).

While this fails to clearly outline specific tenets, you can pick through it for the gist:

A progressive society is about acceptance and inclusion. Since all people and peoples are equal in principle and practice there is no reason to clash over matters that can be settled through cooperation and sharing.

While egalitarianism is fundamental, just as fundamental is the right to live.

Progressivism is based on the misunderstanding of the value that "all men are created equal", and has the destruction of all identifiers of civilization as an end. The paradox of progressive signaling is that the methodology of signaling is in the destruction of the means of signaling (inequalities, no matter how minute), a methodology which must eventually be abandoned or culminate in the elimination of the ultimate origin of such signaling which is the human race itself; as long as at least two humans exist, there will be some inequality which will be signaled consciously or unconsciously.
I suppose there are a few reasons to consider that kind of "progressivism" now. Nuclear weapons, globalisation and whatever else means human history is now kind of singular, so it could be argued that we have to now have a singular value system and from that I suppose some will say there can't be a WASP elite or whatever. My issue with the last part is there is far more of a an ashkenazi elite in America nowadays anyway, they're like half of the billionaires and behind half of the campaign contributions, but are like 2-3 percent of the pop. Anyway social science about privilege, power, minorities etc that whitewashes that is retarded and pointless. Also, it remains to be explained how there can be a society without a value system. Even if ebonics became an indicator of being upper class, that would simply be an inversion, a bit like when French became dominante in conquered England or how the alawites in syria became the dominant group after being a disliked poor minority for most of their history.