The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's in the garbage at the hair salon.

I only cut 8 inches off. I still have like a foot and a half of hair.
ninja'd. that was referring to pizza.

can we have pics of your pizza anyway? ^ ^
Onions and peppers. I don't have a digital camera so I can't take pictures. ): But I'll post pictures of a pizza.


Now just imagine onions and peppers instead of the pepperoni and it will look like my pizza.
Listening to music and have come come down from an incredible high. I get so high and out there and a friend of mine gets so out there it's unreal. I was almost thinking to myself did this chick lace your marihuana, same chick who i'm pretty sure wants to do me and even he thought so and has talked with her and she's indeed really into me, her pot is insane. I was beyond out there for a good 3 and a half houts. I was sitting at the coffee table with a drink and candles burning and time went by so fast it was almost like I was in another dimension. :)
Talking to Nec on AIM

Skjebnevette: wtf is the SBG
Skjebnevette: *SPG
LadySway1985: a combination of letters
LadySway1985: initials
LadySway1985: an acronym?
Skjebnevette: yes
LadySway1985: well that's what it is
LadySway1985: there ya go, fella
LadySway1985: knowledge is power
Skjebnevette: fuck you
Weed is awesome.
I'd get stoned right now, but I need to keep it together as I have a 3k word essay to finish.
Listening to music and have come come down from an incredible high. I get so high and out there and a friend of mine gets so out there it's unreal. I was almost thinking to myself did this chick lace your marihuana, same chick who i'm pretty sure wants to do me and even he thought so and has talked with her and she's indeed really into me, her pot is insane. I was beyond out there for a good 3 and a half houts. I was sitting at the coffee table with a drink and candles burning and time went by so fast it was almost like I was in another dimension. :)
Listening to music and have come come down from an incredible high. I get so high and out there and a friend of mine gets so out there it's unreal. I was almost thinking to myself did this chick lace your marihuana, same chick who i'm pretty sure wants to do me and even he thought so and has talked with her and she's indeed really into me, her pot is insane. I was beyond out there for a good 3 and a half houts. I was sitting at the coffee table with a drink and candles burning and time went by so fast it was almost like I was in another dimension. :)

Well, being a another dimension would be something totally different.

Who is Dødens Grav?