The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah the active compound in robitussin is actually a powerful hallucinogenic. Some people take large amounts to get high, and it's called robotrippin in slang (no joke). I've heard it may cause brain damage though so I never messed with it.

Yeah, it's DXM. I've done it twice, once a medium dose, once a small dose. It's more of a dissociative than a hallucinogen, but I've never taken any true dissociatives (i.e. Ketamine) so I can't confirm. It was okay, and I'd maybe do it again if it came in powder form and wasn't as bad for you as it is, but due to that I'm not going to touch it again. Downing a bottle of Robitussin is absolutely disgusting, you'll definitely get brain damage if you do it more than a handful of times, and you'll almost definitely die (unless you get your stomach pumped in time) if you ever accidentally use the Robitussin with acetaminophen in it. Good bye liver.
The last time I took medicine was in 2008 and I took a single Oxy pill (and drank a beer) for the first 3 nights following knee surgery just so I could fall asleep on my back (I normally can't do that). Not for the pain, but to fall asleep.

You don't even take allergy meds or aspirin?
Yeah, it's DXM. I've done it twice, once a medium dose, once a small dose. It's more of a dissociative than a hallucinogen, but I've never taken any true dissociatives (i.e. Ketamine) so I can't confirm. It was okay, and I'd maybe do it again if it came in powder form and wasn't as bad for you as it is, but due to that I'm not going to touch it again. Downing a bottle of Robitussin is absolutely disgusting, you'll definitely get brain damage if you do it more than a handful of times, and you'll almost definitely die (unless you get your stomach pumped in time) if you ever accidentally use the Robitussin with acetaminophen in it. Good bye liver.

He mixed booze with it, he might have some memory loss for a few hours in the morning. Liver problems is caused by drinking on a basis, you get cirrhosis.
Dxm def makes you trip balls..just as or harder than acid but you gotta take more than just 300mg or it's just going to feel like you drank a few beers.. Ive been taking it everyday for the last month and on and off since i was 16.. I take between 900-1200 mgs which is 1.5-2 bottles worth of syrup which will get you to a 3rd or 4th plateau trip, or you can extract the dxm from sucrets by boiling them up and filtering out the white powder that sinks to the bottom if you can't stand the taste. Make sure you get the kind with dxm only or you could die from the other medicinal ingredients.
I'm starting to hate the freedom of speech. I fucking browse facebook, I don't even know why, and I come across million fucking retards voicing their retarded opinions. I don't even know who these fucking retards are yet I read their opinions. I don't know why. I really want them to shut the fuck up though.

I think I will have to stop browsing this facebook thing so I isolate myself from all this crippling stupidity.

Rule #1: You can read the news, but NEVER the comments. It's so basic yet we keep fucking this up.
I'm starting to hate the freedom of speech. I fucking browse facebook, I don't even know why, and I come across million fucking retards voicing their retarded opinions. I don't even know who these fucking retards are yet I read their opinions. I don't know why. I really want them to shut the fuck up though.

I think I will have to stop browsing this facebook thing so I isolate myself from all this crippling stupidity.

Rule #1: You can read the news, but NEVER the comments. It's so basic yet we keep fucking this up.

Then don't go on tumblr...
I'm getting close to just axing mine and making a new one to just add bands, band members and stuff like that so I can keep up on shows around town. I know several co-workers who either got rid of theirs entirely or deleted everyone from work and essentially 'compartmentalized' work and social life. I did that a long time ago.
I'm getting close to just axing mine and making a new one to just add bands, band members and stuff like that so I can keep up on shows around town. I know several co-workers who either got rid of theirs entirely or deleted everyone from work and essentially 'compartmentalized' work and social life. I did that a long time ago.
That pretty much what I used my Facebook for. It's only good for promoting music, finding shows and music news. I quit going to local shows cause everyone in the scene is poser or have a huge ego. I need to fucking move already.
I haven't deleted mine primarily because of messenger with family. Ill read news and postings but basically never post anything. I do hate FB though.
Instagram isn't too bad. I used to post albums of I'm listening to or post videos of shows I went to. And bands will post their haul, gear, or live shows they're doing. You just gotta put your shit on private cause IG is swarmed with trolls.
I haven't deleted mine primarily because of messenger with family. Ill read news and postings but basically never post anything. I do hate FB though.

Messenger is stand alone now. I refuse to do Instagram, Twitter (did it for like a week and deleted it) or anything else like that. I have Snapchat but I'm considering deleting it and I have LinkedIn for business contacts but that's just turning into a business-oriented Facebook anyway.

My girlfriend hates it but has it out of necessity.
I'm starting to hate the freedom of speech. I fucking browse facebook, I don't even know why, and I come across million fucking retards voicing their retarded opinions. I don't even know who these fucking retards are yet I read their opinions. I don't know why. I really want them to shut the fuck up though.

I think I will have to stop browsing this facebook thing so I isolate myself from all this crippling stupidity.

Rule #1: You can read the news, but NEVER the comments. It's so basic yet we keep fucking this up.

lol i just came here to post something like this. every dipshit and their dog is on their soapbox about something on FB atm, or just being unbearably maudlin and melodramatic. thankfully i work in a really unpretentious little convenience store where people have a sense of humour and perspective. one of those times i'm glad i have a shitty job and i'm not surrounded by pompous 'educated' people.
Pretty much exactly the reason I got rid of mine.I ended up just getting drunk as fuck and abusing them and posted pictures of my vomit after I drank too much.Fuckbook just pisses me off too much,not to mention seeing pictures of ppls rotten fucken kids who'll just grow up to be rapists,crackheads or jihadis.