The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I'm drinking tea blakker than night and listening to some relaxing musics to start off my birthday at home.
Those public porn videos are so weird to me. I know Europe is a little more "open" about sex than the US but - sex in the middle of a busy city sidewalk? On a bus? You would think at least one person would report it/cops would show up.

My experience is that people just don't care. A few weeks ago, I saw some research on the news - healthy person was lying near the pavement, but was simulating some disease - attack that makes you look like you're shitfaced. In 2+ hours, nobody called an ambulance or even stopped by and asked if he's okay - everybody assumed he was drunk and didn't bother.
So I've been sick the past week or so. Maybe a bad cold, maybe the flu. Doesn't matter because that's boring.

The past two nights I've been taking Robitussin every evening on top of two or three beers a night because I have some idiotic hope it'll make me feel better. Apparently this is a bad combination with a fever for me. While this is relieving the symptoms it's causing some bizarre side effects.

1. Weird dreams.
I never fucking remember my dreams, ever... Maybe a couple a year. First, I died and went to the gates of heaven in which I was put on trial by a gigantic judge for my life and damned to hell. At the end of my fall I woke up.
The second is just yeah... I had a dream that seemed like every non family female I've had any sort of more than a fleeting contact with took turns straddling me, some were fully clothed, some were actually having sex with me in this old chair... All had the same expression of a demented smile on their face.... All mumbling gibberish. Woke up confused and absolutely covered in sweat.

2. Hallucinations
I was seeing flashes of light in the corners of my eyes and hearing loud cracking noises most of the two nights. At one point it also sounded like a voice loudly, clearly said "Justin" in my ear. This voice was the distinct voice of an ex girlfriend currently residing in Maine. I actually sent her a message on Facebook the next morning because of this.
Also, when I closed my eyes, hell I'm not sure what other people see when they close their eyes but I see black/green/red variations depending on the light in the room. These colors swirled and undulated for hours.

Never doing that again, unless I get really bored one weekend or something...
Yeah the active compound in robitussin is actually a powerful hallucinogenic. Some people take large amounts to get high, and it's called robotrippin in slang (no joke). I've heard it may cause brain damage though so I never messed with it.
I had some mysterious cold/flu thing once and loaded up on robitussin and about five other medicines and "natural" remedies. It was the first time I lost sensation of my body...and then I went to work
The last time I took medicine was in 2008 and I took a single Oxy pill (and drank a beer) for the first 3 nights following knee surgery just so I could fall asleep on my back (I normally can't do that). Not for the pain, but to fall asleep.
I don't fuck around with getting sick anymore, I'm at the doctor quick fast and in a hurry to get medicine. Don't have time for that shit.
Smoking out of my new mini water bong and listening to Necromantia.
I haven't been sick in 5 years, everybody around me is sick though it seems.
Yeah the active compound in robitussin is actually a powerful hallucinogenic. Some people take large amounts to get high, and it's called robotrippin in slang (no joke). I've heard it may cause brain damage though so I never messed with it.

Yeah. It has dextromethorphan in it. If you take around 2,3 hundred mg's you will trip at somepoint, you start out high and than you trip. Not even that much mg wise will fuck someone up. Not necessarily trip, but you'll get high.
Anyways, waiting for the UFC prelims. I get this this feeling the fights are going to be shitty and boring. I might get that UFC on demand. I know Ronda Rousey is in her peak right now, but her same fight has been on for 3 days now and nothing else. It's bullshit.
Anyways, waiting for the UFC prelims. I get this this feeling the fights are going to be shitty and boring. I might get that UFC on demand. I know Ronda Rousey is in her peak right now, but her same fight has been on for 3 days now and nothing else. It's bullshit.

My mate just asked me to come over and drink beers and watch it. Dunno if I can be bothered.

Just found out the Eagles of Death Metal are not actually death metal or anything close to it. Oh well. Still tragic.

Yeah it's a dumb band name.