The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

So my hemorrhoid decided to grow and grow until I suspected it might not be a hemorrhoid after all, maybe an abscess or tumor or something, as I have a colorful history of obscure diseases and stuff. I've been in a world of abdominal pain through the night and I barely slept due to this monsterpain, so my father took me to an emergency on this nice sunday and some old rag invited me in and at that point I shat myself with liquid shit. Basically the hemorrhoid was so big I couldn't feel it, let alone hold it. She wanted to see it and I was like, well, fuck. I could feel the shit in my underpants and trousers too and I told her I would have to clean myself first and then I showed her and she fortunately confirmed that it was a large hemorrhoid. Due to my surgery history, stuff that she has never even heard of (!), she said it would be better if I went to a different hospital - where they have some record of me.

On my way home to change my shitted clothes this motherfucker bursted with rotten blood and I can now walk and I feel almost zero pain moving. Hopefully this is the end of the gruesome story.

EDIT: It really was five days of pain tbh.
So you are prone to such obscure and obnoxious diseases? Hemorrhoids are fucking painful, I experienced it once and don't want to live through it once again.
This past year I've had some GI problems and I had a couple of hemmoroids that basically did the same thing (they call it a thrombosis). Once I had to get it excised which was the most painful thing I've ever experienced. Second time they just made me wait it out.
GI problems suck. I have some fissures that cause me discomfort. A doctor told me some years ago to maybe get a colonoscopy to determine if it was something like IBD but I haven't because that shit sucks. My dad has had a few colonoscopies in the past and the prep is basically starving yourself while cleaning out your colon.
I had internal hemorrhoids in high school from running cross country. It was never really painful just scary seeing blood in my shit. Haven't had any issues in a while. My sister has Crohn's Disease, and that fucking sucks. It's been at least a year since her last episode. She's finally on a medication that works for her and she's taking better care of herself. For a few years she was at the hospital every six months practically
I had all the symptoms of Crohns for like 6 months this year, so I was really worried it was that. Then I went to a new GI doctor and he gave me some new meds and I just got better. That is some gross stuff
I had an large abscess in my upper pubic area couple years ago. The initial removal of it was OK because they used a powerful local anesthetic, but I had to go back to the doctor a couple times so they could stuff fresh linen into the cavity that was formed by removing it. They told me to pop a few ibuprofens before going in but it was still pretty painful.
On a related note, I'm reading a Roman medical treatise in one of my graduate seminars and we just read about surgery for fistulas. I had no idea these were a thing until now. Have any of you had one? Sounds fucking terrible.
I had an large abscess in my upper pubic area couple years ago. The initial removal of it was OK because they used a powerful local anesthetic, but I had to go back to the doctor a couple times so they could stuff fresh linen into the cavity that was formed by removing it. They told me to pop a few ibuprofens before going in but it was still pretty painful.

Funny that you just posted about abscess because I spent today in a hospital and my hemorrhoid was actually an abscess that especially concentrated in this bulk near my anus that then bursted. I will return to the hospital on thursday and they'll try to repair it under complete anesthesia so now I'm just waiting chewing on some antibiotics.

I think hemorrhoids were too ordinary for my disease log anyway.
Considering a career change into IT. My Cuz works for the government doing that kind of work and could get me in no problem if I pass the CompTIA Security+ cert, which I'd definitely need to study, and the 70-680, which based on sample questions shouldn't take too much practice.

Anyone in that field? Basically, I'm an excel wiz gamer who has worked various citrix systems and then some, along with a lot of accounting programs and every Microsoft thing you can think of. I know basic functions that apply universally, and if its something I don't understand, I'm smart enough to Google it. How hard could the tests be for someone of my experience level to study for?

I also used to HTML code my own MySpace, so I'm basically the best hacker evar.