The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I hated trunk/bag dumping/rack tossing more than anything. The worst instance we ever had was every single item was dumped into the middle of the squad bay, then all the mattresses were stripped and piled on top of the items and blankets, and then everyone had held out their containers of antifungal powder and had to "make it snow" in the squad bay, and then me and another guy had to grab the ice coolers and dump them all over everything......and then we had to have it all cleaned up in like 30 minutes.
The worst part about boot camp imo is the downtime we have, or the holes in our daily schedules where the DI's have nothing else for us to do but slay you. Meaning, they either take you out to your local pit, which is basically a sandbox and make you get all sweaty doing pushups, mountain climbers, side-straddle hops, and crunches, and then you get sand caked all over your body and uniform make you extremely uncomfortable the rest of the day. Or they'll do the same on the quarterdeck of the barracks, which I preferred tbh but still wasn't fun. It just seemed like a big waste of time. I'd rather just an intense PT session instead of that bullshit or study. But it's all good.

They decided to renovate the 1Bn chow hall at PI while I was there, which meant marching a couple of miles back and forth to 3rd's chow hall for every meal. I hated it at the time, but after I got out realized it saved us from a ton of fuck fuck games. Also, since it was winter and the fact we were on the 3rd deck, we hardly ever hit the sand pit, our DIs preferred to either kill us online, or have us run up and down the stairs "to" the sand pit, but always yell for us to get back online when we got down to the ground, rinse repeat.
I remember we had to take our beds and lockers out of the 2nd floor barracks down to the company area and then bring it back up, at like 10 at night. That was bullshit.

We didn't really have free time outside of sundays during church hours and the last week before graduation, but my basic training unit were kind of fuck ups

FMJ is a joke imo, I didn't even finish the movie. It's both worse than and not as bad as that.

I dunno, FMJ is more realistic in their bootcamp portrayal than that clip on youtube. That's day 0/1 stuff, but FMJ shows the evolution of the DS/DI throughout bootcamp, especially when recruits/privates improve. People think that's what happens everyday you're in, but in reality it slows down a lot and reappears only when people fuck up
Sitting in class again, this is a study hall, though, so I'm allowed to post. I just turned my English project in.
I think my platoon was a 50/50 mix between the physically challenged and the mentally challenged.

It didn't really slow down much for my platoon until after the Crucible. Might be a difference between Marines and Army, or possibly because our drill hat started with us as our kill hat, and when they yanked our drill hat to be a senior elsewhere a month in, the kill hat became the drill but never changed his methods - so we basically had 2 kill hats and our senior was never around to tone things down. Probably good because the senior made a comment once about missing kill hatting, and the dude was like Cam Newton sized but with a mean face lol.
@King Richard @The Ozzman
Actually im selling the house to my realtor.
It's been almost 2 fucking years! Rented it for 6 months, had to fix bullshit.
My realtor is going to buy it then rent it. The guy who is renting it is a buddy of mine, other guitarist that I jam metal with. weird!
2016 is going to be a little odd... we will finally have money. These last two years have sucked massive amounts of dick.
We havent been able to do much. We went to Disney and Universal because of her tax return last April. Other than that, boring, boring, boring!
@King Richard @The Ozzman
Actually im selling the house to my realtor.
It's been almost 2 fucking years! Rented it for 6 months, had to fix bullshit.
My realtor is going to buy it then rent it. The guy who is renting it is a buddy of mine, other guitarist that I jam metal with. weird!
2016 is going to be a little odd... we will finally have money. These last two years have sucked massive amounts of dick.
We havent been able to do much. We went to Disney and Universal because of her tax return last April. Other than that, boring, boring, boring!

If you decide to ever do a beach trip to the NC OBX let me know and will try to meet up. How old are the kids? (mine are 5&4)
About to start work but It's bloody shocking on here this embarrassing dickhead staff chief engineer has been carrying on like a retard since the start and yesterday two ppl typed out emails and sent them to head office it's gonna be bloody embarrassing and awkward on here from now until Xmas eve when we leave. Literally stumbling over the finish line from now until Xmas eve when I go home.
About to start work but It's bloody shocking on here this embarrassing dickhead staff chief engineer has been carrying on like a retard since the start and yesterday two ppl typed out emails and sent them to head office it's gonna be bloody embarrassing and awkward on here from now until Xmas eve when we leave. Literally stumbling over the finish line from now until Xmas eve when I go home.

I couldn't work on a ship. Simply couldn't. That's why I wouldn't/won't go Navy and when I was in the Marines I did a specific non-possible ship MOS. Fuck being out to sea with a bunch of random fucks in enclosed and inescapable spaces.
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Mate it's a fucking struggle for's awesome being on watch on the bridge wing at night until the sun rises looking at the ocean but I spend more time around others and of course you get a lot of loud opinionated people but perhaps even worse are the shameless sucks and people that aren't team players and just want to be glory boys. I'm a pretty shy and quiet person and I think it's making me worse because I refuse to carry on like some of these ppl. I end up just locking myself in my cabin and only come out for rounds and meals. It can be hard at times.
Mate it's a fucking struggle for's awesome being on watch on the bridge wing at night until the sun rises looking at the ocean

Yeah, I swapped my daytime firewatches out for nighttime whenever I could during respective training, because I preferred the peace of night and sunrise to the gagglefuck of ignorant people.

What was your mos @Dak?

7234. Only way we went on a boat was a MEU and that was volunteer mode if we were signed off on it which was unlikely. But I did Mounted Combat Patrols in Iraq instead of my MOS (obviously). Go figure.