The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I had about 15 beers yesterday and then shat myself a little. The hangover was severe and I almost vomited.

The day started at about 12:30 when I went to the 24!7 bar and met two friends there. Had three beers. Then we moved to another pub in my neighborhood and had two more. Then I went to my my father's place because he was cooking something and there I had two cans of Urquell and then I met my father in a pub near his home for one more beer. Then I'm not sure but I think we went to my favorite bar with my friend and there I probably had like three beers with him and then we went to his place to watch some shitty show (and drink beers, he had some strange beers in there). Then I returned to the bar alone and waited for more guys to come but I had too many beers there and had to go home.
Oh, Onder.

Oh, Omni. I have shitstains on my underpants but I don't think it got on the bedsheets.

I survived hangover and actually did some school stuff so I should be prepared for tomorrow. We have some tests and stuff. My main girl is angry at me so I need to do something about that as well.
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Listening to some epic music to try and get me inspired and ready to walk into a mess room full of totally awake and talkative people. It's frigging hard to to get going everyday when you wake up at 1130 and are in a zombified state when everyone else seems to be on fast forward and you in slow motion.
Nachtfalke and Mortiis ' Ferden Og Kallet' has been my wake up music lately, gets me in a regal frame of mind to make a grand entrance with eyes like piss holes in the snow.
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Laughing to myself because not far from where I live a 12 year old girl got caught driving a car down the street doing 120kms an hour. I'd piss myself if I saw that and if I was in my car I'd follow her and try and overtake her and give her the thumbs up and blow my horn flat out to show my total support for this deed.
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I acquired some animal flesh in order to let it succumb to sacromantic heat mutilation. I helped it a little with some chilli sauce and some teryiaki sauce. I'm all into this ogre cuisine lately where I just buy meat and throw it in the pan. The women in the butcher shop laughed at me. They asked what I wanted I said I don't know. They laughed at it and asked well what I wanted to cook. I said I don't know again with an empty expression. Then I pointed at a random slab of meat.


Next time I will just bark at them or something.
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Not many people these days just cook meat with not too many vegetable, which you really need you can also swap meat with different people from different cultures or even freeze it and kill your enemy with it then there is no proof of the crime.
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I was watching Full Metal Jacket with my friend who was in the army and I was like "yeah, this is dramatized and not a realistic portrayal, right?" and he gave me a straight face and said "no."


(new) Marine Corps boot camp documentary coming out. This clip right here pretty much covers 25-35% of the boot camp experience lol.

Good times. That recruit in front of the camera is going to crack and will always be the one bringing up the rear.

I was watching Full Metal Jacket with my friend who was in the army and I was like "yeah, this is dramatized and not a realistic portrayal, right?" and he gave me a straight face and said "no."


It's way more intense than that a lot of the times. Especially considering you generally have 3-4 drill instructors running around at any given time. The Senior Drill Instructor hardly works with the recruits. For whatever reason he tries to portray himself as the "caring and understanding" leader, which is nonsense. The other drill instructors are the ones you spend the most time with, otherwise known as the "green belts." They're the ones that make your life a living hell.

The worst part about boot camp imo is the downtime we have, or the holes in our daily schedules where the DI's have nothing else for us to do but slay you. Meaning, they either take you out to your local pit, which is basically a sandbox and make you get all sweaty doing pushups, mountain climbers, side-straddle hops, and crunches, and then you get sand caked all over your body and uniform make you extremely uncomfortable the rest of the day. Or they'll do the same on the quarterdeck of the barracks, which I preferred tbh but still wasn't fun. It just seemed like a big waste of time. I'd rather just an intense PT session instead of that bullshit or study. But it's all good.

Honestly, sometimes I wish I had stayed in. It'd be pretty skate for me now. I would have changed my MOS asap after re-enlisting though, the infantry will destroy you over time. I'd only have 7 years to go before retirement, probably at the staff nco rank of some sort, assuming I didn't wind up with a couple njp's. Life might have been good. Or I'd be dead. heh
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