The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

:kickas: Sounds like a good time.

I'm just lazing about, waiting for my girlfriend to come home from her mother's place. I have no clue what's going on, but meh. I am enjoying the alone time.
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I tried some of my university's brew today. I was having a fourth and then my ex surprised me in the campus pub and told me it's kinda stronger than I think and yes I kinda felt the heat. So we had a talk and laughs and then I thought I would go do some research with my nigga chick classmate, to the nearby forest but I somehow had to shit and the shit was already like, on its way out so I cancelled it and decided to head home, having a sanitary beer in some other place on my way. That was an Urquell. I pooped there.
Deleted my Facebook again. Super proud of myself. I suffer from acute cyber-socializing addiction due to a need to do something besides just smoke on my smoke breaks. Like diarrhea memes all over this wretched world, and treat music forums like sewing circles.
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When are you guys going to buttfuck each other? Fagets.

Drinking alone. Did 9 straight wins in the arena today in Hearthstone on a boss Warlock deck I drafted. Fucking Mal'Ganis is OP. Had to decide whether I should message my lady friend (whom I've been ignoring in a pathetic attempt to get her back) about if she was going to this show on Friday but I refrained.

Cool Story Brahs?
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It was a money pit when I played Standard, yeah, but I built a few friendships at FNM before my local game store closed down.

Now that I have moved and changed towns entirely, I'm thinking it may be a decent way to make more friends. I dunno.