The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Deleted my Facebook again. Super proud of myself. I suffer from acute cyber-socializing addiction due to a need to do something besides just smoke on my smoke breaks. Like diarrhea memes all over this wretched world, and treat music forums like sewing circles.

So nipping this so-called cyber-addiction takes a higher priority than your raging nicotine addiciton, which seems to be the root cause of the former anyway?
A super hot shower...alternatively, if you run a sink with hot water, stick your head over the sink with a towel over your head and breathe in the vapor. Also, anything peppermint

I have horrible allergies, so I'm, unfortunately, familiar with this
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Yeah the hot shower and tea kind of work for me, especially the former. Do those saline nasal sprays work? Im currently sick as fuck(which i rarely get), but I almost always have some kind of congestion, especially at nights ... not sure what its from, although i have a gut feeling it might be from the weed. My dumbass decided to take a hit today and my nose got completely stuffed. I might have to go see an allergist or something.

I about to go try the hot water and towel remedy.
So I was supposed to get up at 4:10 but I woke up at 1:30 and failed to fall asleep again. In other words I slept for like 2 hours and now I'm on my 12h shift and I think I'm dying. I'm imprisoned in here and I feel like complete shit.
Yeah the hot shower and tea kind of work for me, especially the former. Do those saline nasal sprays work? Im currently sick as fuck(which i rarely get), but I almost always have some kind of congestion, especially at nights ... not sure what its from, although i have a gut feeling it might be from the weed. My dumbass decided to take a hit today and my nose got completely stuffed. I might have to go see an allergist or something.

I about to go try the hot water and towel remedy.

Weed could effect it. I know for damn sure beer doesn't help, unfortunately. Your ears, nose and throat are all connected. Help one, help the others. Saline spray might help, but not for very long. If you're stuffed, take some (extra strength ) benadryl and then go to bed
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Does anyone know anything about these little Raspberry Pi computers? They look and sound pretty good.
And if so can you please give me a brief rundown, like what I need to buy to set it up, how it works and what you can use it for etc. They are cheap enough my friend said his brother brought him one and it has every movie and shit ever but he's like me and doesn't know much about tech stuff.
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I am just chilling. Checking the ol' facebook. My best friend asked me if I had any allergies she should know of; I am pretty sure she is baking me something for Christmas.

If this is true, major score. Her baked goods rule.
So nipping this so-called cyber-addiction takes a higher priority than your raging nicotine addiciton, which seems to be the root cause of the former anyway?

I lack the willpower to quit smoking. Tried all the usual means to do so, but my body is a chem-slave.
Yeah I think that'd be the route to go. I'd need a professional though. I've tried the audio clips.

I've got it baaaadddd, man. Doesn't help when your partner smokes as well.
I got lucky because these guys were advertising on TV in my area they did about probably 60 people at once in the big hall for like $200 a pop for a one off deal but I think if you go to see someone they try and rip you off by trying to get you to go back multiple's pretty weird though how it worked so well and I knew instantly that it had work. I think they said it was a 90% success rate or something like that.
I think that actually is the way to go because you won't care that your partner smokes but if you get drunk and have only one smoke that's it back to square one.
My boyfriends little brother is here. Played video games with them until lik 6 in the morning. We are going to visit his childhood babysitter who lives by me. Pretty awesome he didn't forget who took care of him from when he was a baby until like 11 and still wants to see her.