The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Counting calories like a little bitch and then I'm actually going to do one of those interval bedroom workouts. What the fuck am I doing with my life these days?

You don't need to count calories, you just need to eat lean foods and cut the beer out which I know sucks for you.

I just finished my early AM workout and am about to eat and go to sleep for a few hours or so.
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Drinking Coffee, have group in a few hours.

You suck
You make me want to get drunk
Stop telling lies
No one gives a fuck about your life
Cutting the beer out will help significantly. That is the most difficult part about losing weight as a beer drinker.

Yeah, I can relate. I have to watch how I eat because I like to drink beer. I balance it out by sharing a lot of the bottles that I open with friends. I lost a lot of weight a few years ago and I don't want to get it back.
When you run every morning and night as well as bushwalk every weekend, you don't have to avoid beer so much. I'm sure my insides are hell though.
I go to the gym pretty regularly and have a physically demanding job. Plus I don't eat shit food and avoid as much sugar as possible. I need to eat less and have a few more alcohol free days a week though.
I do zero exercise and eat pretty unhealthy(atleast not healthy) and like a beer or two to my food but I'm blessed with super metabolism so I'm skinner than spagetti anyway.
I'm definitely cutting back on my alcohol intake. What used to be about 5-6 days drunk a week is now 3, so that should help. And, honestly, I'm big enough that doing that and actually exercising will drop me a few pounds. I'm not looking to get into shape or anything, just lighter so I'm not at such a high risk of a heart attack. If I can get back down to about 220 I'd be cool with that.
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I don't think I've ever been to a gym in my life. Unless the pub counts?
I fucking hate the gym and didn't start going until about 3 years ago after I fucked my ankle and put on shitloads of weight. It suck but it's good for me so I do it.

I do zero exercise and eat pretty unhealthy(atleast not healthy) and like a beer or two to my food but I'm blessed with super metabolism so I'm skinner than spagetti anyway.