The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Don't they have taxis and public transportation?

The public transportation is garbage here. Hell, the city still hasn't plowed the streets in my neighborhood (and I don't live in The Wire). It would take me an hour to ride a bus home from a hipster bar a mile and a half from here, and longer from a nicer area of the city. There's a nice public transportation system a few miles out in the money area of the city that can be ridden for free. I could taxi, but taxis are overpriced. Uber is an option, of course.
Even my neighborhood is safer than Baltimore. Im an hour and a half away from all the cool metal bars but I take the trip to see friends. No one is coming this deep in the Bronx.

I fell asleep on my dinner, and I'm typing with a hand filled with curry. Also this page was opened so apparently was browsing umf
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need to meet more people, but it's hard as fuck when you're a social retard and not currently in schol. most of my closest friends are in other states now and it's gay.

i want to lick more vaginas too
A company called me about a job based in Baltimore. She told me the pay range was $85-95k/yr and before she went on about the perks of the job I interrupted her and asked where the job was again. She responded, "Uh Baltimo..." *click*

True story.

Even my neighborhood is safer than Baltimore. Im an hour and a half away from all the cool metal bars but I take the trip to see friends. No one is coming this deep in the Bronx.

I fell asleep on my dinner, and I'm typing with a hand filled with curry. Also this page was opened so apparently was browsing umf

Baltimore could be worse. The trick is is to live somewhere where the bodies don't fall. Here's a fun little map of the homicides in Baltimore last year. It was the highest per capita rate in Baltimore history. Only like 5 murders happened in my neighborhood, so I didn't have the good fortune of getting to hear gunshots every night.

homocide map.jpg

How does one fall asleep in their dinner?
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Enjoying an unenjoyable task. I have to take this joke "Intro to Computing" course to graduate. Joke is no exaggeration because the course covers Windows 8.1. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to test out of the course this week, so I'm reading through the text book and writing notes on the highlights. I figured Kraftwerk would be the best thing to put on while reading through it and, in conjunction with wine, it's pretty entertaining. I get two attempts at the test. I'll have to jump into on-coming traffic if I don't test out of this course.
I'm just going to trust that it will be by HBCU standards. I expect that the course will be much harder than the test. If I don't feel that the first go at the test went well, then I'll take strong notes on its contents as soon as I leave the classroom. The professor said only about 3 students pass the test every semester, so that's the bottom-line I'm shooting for.
There's not enough diversity in that image. If we could only enact gun control we could stop the oppression and inequality by shootings and have more deaths via stabbings, chokings, and clubbings.
Hey man, thugs gonna thug.