The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Wait, horse-chick is back in your life? Awesome.

No I never had an actual relationship with horsechick. This was the polish chick that I was with for a year and a half. Still looking good I have to say, kinda more grown-up mentally but still looks young. Horsechick is in Germany or something, Munich I think.
I went to a gig last night to see some punk and stoner bands around the corner from my house and all was going well until I had a shot of Jager. Things went downhill pretty sharpish after that point. I remember exiting the venue and I think we maybe went to another bar but I'm not sure. The only other memory I have is being walked home by my mates because they were worried I'd fall in the gutter or something. I woke up on the couch this morning covered in beer.

Yoda obviously did this and then had a wank and passed out.
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Inner city living does tend to rule. Four of my favourite pubs/band venues are within 5 minutes walk from my house. The place we went last night is about 50 metres away.

I'm in the inner city, in that it's majority black and urban (the US definition) but don't have a bar to go to that I'm interested in for at least a mile ugh (also that mile is filled with places I don't like to walk through). Everything you speak of is a brief drive away from me (an orchestra as well), but what good is that if I can't get blasted?