The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

The amount I drink doesn't seem to have much of an impact upon my weight. I was much lighter when I used to drink all the time but my body fat % was probably around the same as it is now.

I'm sure in most cases people that drink a lot get fat because they overeat when drunk, and most likely whilst sober too. We get a bunch of news articles every so often about the calories in alcoholic drinks but everyone seems to ignore the really basic facts that calories are a measure of energy and that the human body can't do shit with certain sources of energy (e.g. coal, wood, ethanol) so as 'calorific' as something like vodka is, it's not going to make you fat.
Some people also have higher metabolisms or are significantly more active. For example I drink tons of soda and am not overweight. Don't have a sixpack as a result though.
We're pretty good at this.

I'm a skinny motherfucker with a fast metabolism ridden with diseases and a surgically removed large intestine so I don't have a problem with a beer belly. Other than that, a lot of it sucks buddy pal ass.
Just did my workout again. I think my first time I over-exerted myself in the first set going all out so the other 2 sets I could barely make it. This time, I cut the workout in half and managed to get through it without having the urge to puke. The lunges were the worst of it. I was doing 15 each leg per set the first time (half of what it said...) and I could barely do 5 each set since my legs still feel like a jello mold. I can barely climb stairs without walking like David Letterman.

I wouldn't mind getting back into the gym and using free-weights. I do sort of miss weight lifting class in high school. The PE teacher blasted classic rock while everyone did their workouts. We football players had to do our own special works, and, because I was a lineman, ours was even slightly easier than the running backs and such. I miss doing plyos and stuff though. I was always one of the few fat fucks on the team that could always jump the high box. Doubt I can do that anymore.
In pubs in the centre usually from 34 to 44 czk, 0.5l that is. Dance clubs and bars are more expensive becuase they suck cock and you can get cheaper beer outside of the city too.

Shit, no wonder the Czech Republic has so many beer sales per capita. I'd go out to bars way more often if I could get a decent beer for a decent price. Beer is pretty over-priced in most bars around where I live. If you're lucky, you can get a Coors or a Natty Boh for $3, but those don't go much toward actually enjoying drinking the beer. There's this sweet Belgian-beer-only bar near me, but $7 a beer is more than I can responsibly spend on a regular basis. I remember how surprised I was, too, when I was in Ireland and couldn't find a Guinness for less than €5 (this was also when the euro had a 1.5 edge on the dollar), even in the non-tourist focused pubs. I've heard that England is similarly price, but I haven't been there.
Drinking in bars is expensive and the atmosphere is usually subpar. I only have one bar that I visit with any regularity, and that's because I get a discount because I paid $35 to be a lifetime member the day that it opened. It's a video game-themed craft beer bar in Orlando.

I usually only go to try whatever they get in kegs that I can't buy elsewhere to enjoy at home.
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