The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

got turned down by all the colleges I applied to. now what?

The world needs ditch diggers, too!

The majority of gen ed requirements are stupid. Where I went, I had to take 9 hours of theology and 9 hours of philosophy. Way too much of either to be general requirements, imo, but it was a fucking Jesuit school.

That sucks, though taking theology sounds intriguing. I've only got 2 more requirements to square away after this semester. Both are Math, one a lecture and one a lecture-lab class. For the latter I'll take Intro to Computer Programming but I'm not sure what to take for the non-lab Math.
I'm drinking Laphroig and good beer and am heading to the city soon to go to a gayass glam-club. Failure but the best thing around here and all my friends loves the place. :p
Up the dose if you have something with Dextromorphan(DXM) just make sure other things included have very low dosage. no more cold
Scanning UM watching Erica Hill and drinkinfg a vanilla milkshake. I bet Erica Hill tastes better than a vanilla milkshake.