The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

One of the great memories of my grandfather on my mother's side, who passed away in 2013, was back in summer of 2001 on vacation in the Ozarks. This was at my uncle's summer home, of which there were two buildings, and my immediate family and I stayed in one cabin while my grandparents were in the other.

My aunt was outside and told me that grandpa was in his living room watching porn and encouraged me to go and walk in on him. I did this, and I caught just a brief glimpse of naked flesh before grandpa hastily changed the channel to the Scooby Doo movie which recently came out on premium cable. He then turned it off and got up, and he said to me, "I was watching that Adventures of Yellow Dog movie, you ever see that one?" I answered in the negative, while stifling my laughter, and he departed to his bedchamber.
What DVDs did you get?

House(not the TV series).
Return of The Living Dead part 2.
Fargo: Year 2.

Got my dad some movies and other family members some shit. Only thing he likes is music, but he does not buy himself music DVDS, he'll dig the shit out of these. Once in awile am going to send him DVDS.

Jethro Tull: Jack in the Green - Live in Germany 1970 to 93.
Yes: Live at Montreux.
This post says a lot about you.


Explain. I posted something on my wall and someone started an argument with me. I kept it relatively civil but the post still got reported.

I need to use Facebook less anyway. Just something I've noticed over the course of the last few months.

Burner account may have been the wrong term to use but I definitely need to keep any potential Facebook shitposting separate from my real account or just lurk instead.

These days though, any conservative viewpoint on that site is seen as shitposting if it's reported.
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Explain. I posted something on my wall and someone started an argument with me. I kept it relatively civil but the post still got reported.

I need to use Facebook less anyway. Just something I've noticed over the course of the last few months.

Burner account may have been the wrong term to use but I definitely need to keep any potential Facebook shitposting separate from my real account or just lurk instead.

These days though, any conservative viewpoint on that site is seen as shitposting if it's reported.
Fairnuff. I'm definitely a fan of multiple Facebook accounts - been using two myself for years now. I like posting stupid shit on the internet, and I don't need my real name attached to it.

Anyway, you did come across as someone used to getting banned and finding workarounds. Also I haven't heard about many other conservatives being reported on Facebook, but the one I talk to the most has mostly conservative friends.