The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Uh... Ricky?

Man I am bored out of my mind. Winter time sucks.
To be honest I love it. I love the atmosphere of night, so the whole "getting dark at 5" thing doesn't bother me. And it strangely isn't that cold anymore (we had a couple consecutive nights of -33º C, but that didn't last too long thankfully).

It's 0º currently. I may even go out walking later. Who knows.
I'm off work until the second week of 2017 so I feel you, bored as shit.

Yeah man without work I got nothing to keep my brain active with besides a shit ton of Netflix and tv binging. :lol: will be totally regretting this thought when gotta go back to work next week, though.

@The Butt oof! not a fan of the really cold weather. Especially when you're outside and the wind blows. It's awesome being inside so cozy you can eat a whole pint of ice cream in comfort.

The atmosphere is cool but I can appreciate it in my bed under warm sheets. Also I'm a warrior. My room doesn't get heat so it makes me more annoyed if it's so cold the space heater can't get the coldness out
Lol. "Let's test your patience, Cam!" Here, have a horrible time. On the house.

People like that don't understand clear cues of boredom. If you're gonna be socially underdeveloped it's usually best for all to be a sociopath, not a nerd.

Also hobbies are to enjoy with likeminded individuals, not force down the throats of everyone in your vicinity. Join a forum for fucks sake.
I have hobbies but it's difficult being consistent with them with work and school. I graduate in May so that should free up some time.

Also, its hard to put yourself on a schedule without being forced to. I waste too much time getting caught up on things and by the time I look around it's like nightttime lol.
Pretty much all my hobbies are solo. It's way more convenient if your preferred forms of entertainment don't require other people. More difficult to commit to one at a time and master without strong discipline though, I'd say.
Since I like painting, 40k has been a great hobby. Can work on it solo painting, and then when I can sync up with others can also play. Otherwise my solo hobbies are reading all manner of things or playing PC games. I hesitate to call anything related to exercise or fitness a "hobby" since I consider that more of a necessity and hobbies are things that don't "have" to be done imo.
I like to jog as a hobby.
When I was younger, all I'd do is walk around my cul-de-sac listening to System of a Down or Alice In Chains with my friend.

Other than that, making music is my favorite hobby
i religiously watch several sports and occasionally play them, obsess over music, play piano, watch+write about movies, play chess at tournament level, game, catch moths, birdwatch, read, binge watch TV shows, probably some other shit i'm forgetting. it's frustrating having so little time to pursue some of these things more thoroughly. part of me wants to commit a semi-serious crime so i go to jail and am forced to spend a year doing nothing but reading (and bulking my skinny ass up i guess).
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