The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I hope it's dick cancer.

Maybe my wizzer isn't made of iron after all.

I think it's either over-masturbation (I'm trying to stop because I feel it is a waste of time and energy) or simply because I have the flu, and that causes concentrated urine which burns.

I just hope it's not some deadly infection.
A UTI is far more likely (men can get them too) than anything really serious. Or if you really are jacking it that much, that too I guess. Id go get it checked out by the doc if it persists, UTIs usually just get worse and the infection spreads. A simple round of antibiotics usually does the trick.
Not properly recovered from the 14 hr shift I worked yesterday. Elbow and neck are stiff as shit. At the yard today but I've caught myself snoring and bobble heading a couple times and I've done absolutely 0% of nothing. Time to pack it in early today and go the fuck to bed I think.

I'm really to the end of oilfield desire. Got to start looking elsewhere.
A UTI is far more likely (men can get them too) than anything really serious. Or if you really are jacking it that much, that too I guess. Id go get it checked out by the doc if it persists, UTIs usually just get worse and the infection spreads. A simple round of antibiotics usually does the trick.

It is a very mild pain that only comes occasionally, more a discomfort or irritation than anything, and it seems to be getting better. Urethritis can go away on its own, but there's a rare chance it can cause an extremely painful infection of the testicles. I've had this pain much more severely before and it's always been fine.
I'm definitely venturing too far into TMI territory, but I think I got glued to the fabric, and when it detached, it caused some mild damage.
It burns when I pee!

Actually, it doesn't, which I'll take as a good sign. It started Sunday after I got out of the shower, which leads me to think its a burn from some soap. It's very minor and rarely occurs, so I guess I shouldn't take it as anything serious?
I'm watching a 2 hour Warhammer 40k battle report, better than all 3.
Wth, didn't know this was a thing. I fear I will get hooked on this, just watched a High Elves vs Empire match...

I wish there were more 2nd edition 40k battle reports on there tho, really loved those rules flavorwise even if they were abit cumbersome and not very streamlined.
Wth, didn't know this was a thing. I fear I will get hooked on this, just watched a High Elves vs Empire match...

I wish there were more 2nd edition 40k battle reports on there tho, really loved those rules flavorwise even if they were abit cumbersome and not very streamlined.

Way ahead of you, totally hooked.

Miniwargaming has a lot of 40k and other GW game battle/mission reports on the web.

I've grown very bored with them over the years.
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Next you'll tell me to stop salivating on my tongue.

Unrelated and possibly the wrong thread, but roughly how intimate would the people on this forum consider watching a movie in the dark with one other person of the opposite sex, albeit in a semi-public area prohibitive of any sexual advances? My office is shared between several grad students, and while one lab group (consisting of the majority of the students) waited for something to finish, two of the students (a male and female) apparently decided to turn off the lights in the office and sit right next to each other watching A Beautiful Mind. They joked a bit and other students aside from myself were coming and going, and I happen to know that the dude has a girlfriend at least, but I dunno, like, if your significant other worked late and was like "Oh yeah I was stuck on campus so together with work partner X we sat together closely in the dark watching a drama/romance and lightly chided each other" wouldn't that be kind of weird?

Impossibru to say without knowing the individuals involved. I've had relationships where that would be fine and others where it would be less so.

Getting a bit drunk then going on this university tour thing then getting more drunk and watching Wales v England. Then more drinks. And hopefully I'll wake up somewhere warm. LIKE IN A VAGINA. A GIANT CAVERNOUS VAGINA.
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