The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I like a little pot here was there but people who regularly smoke usually suck.


this seems more applicable to the internet than pot, speaking from experience
i've only smoked weed twice, didn't notice much of an effect except the second time i got tired and headachy, which is also what alcohol does to me if i stop after one or two.
It also helps me put my creative ideas into finished material. I have entire EPs that wouldn't have been written, were I not high.
Pretty sure you're an exception to the rule
this seems more applicable to the internet than pot, speaking from experience
It certainly applies to the internet, but there's still a difference between a strictly behavioral habit and a habit which directly alters your brain chemistry to make boredom feel okay.
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With the amount of time all of you spend browsing this forum and/or indulgently listening to music, im rather surprised at the anti-weed sentiment. While I dont smoke weed everyday, I really enjoy smoking a bowl while listening to an album or two before bed on occasion. I never found weed to be the best in social situations (I clam up and have a hard time socially with good weed), but it is great for concerts.
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I hadn't tried weed until I visited Colorado. Thought I'd like it, but it didn't do all that much for me. Surprised to say this, but I'd rather just get drunk.

For one thing I can't take weed to escape. It makes my thinking extremely repetitive so if I'm down it just makes me reiterate the thoughts that are bringing me down over and over in my head. Actually had a pretty nightmarish experience with it once.
I liked weed at somepoint, was at an apartment awile back, me and some dude just wanted to drink a few beers, we got stripped searched because some dude thought was had wires, what the fuck is this Scarface, holy crap :lol:
I like weed when I'm with one other person. Not alone, I have a similar reaction as vegard. And no more people than that, I start thinking they're ganging up and plotting against me.

But I still stand by, as zabu said, that it isn't harmless. It's a drug. I'm smoking it to get fucked up.
when it's fresh sure, but you get a lot of people where the stench seems to have slowly soaked into their clothes over an extended period and that shit is gross.

the spell of unsmoked tobacco in the packet is the best smell in the world btw.