It's pretty clear you're anti-med when you call psychiatrists "unethical as a group".
Psychiatry is a legitimate and necessary branch of health care that just happens to draw from an extremely challenging science. Interactions between drugs and the brain are insanely complex, and currently impossible to fully understand. I think many anti-med people unfairly blame psychiatry for the effects of this problem without acknowledging the cause. A fairer criticism is that psychiatrists too often make diagnoses that cannot accurately be made without the skills of a psychotherapist and a lot of counseling time. Therapy involves a very different skill set that can't be expected of someone who has to go through the years of education required to practice psychiatry.
Ideally everyone would be required to go through enough counseling to be diagnosed accurately, but obviously that tends to be expensive (which also makes it difficult to prosecute overprescription as a form of medical malpractice). Sometimes a cheaper, less-reliable treatment is the only treatment available, but ANY professional treatment is more likely to be reliable than average people playing Internet Drug Doctor.
This is true, but it is also true that as a group they place little value on therapy.