The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

It's pretty clear you're anti-med when you call psychiatrists "unethical as a group".

Psychiatry is a legitimate and necessary branch of health care that just happens to draw from an extremely challenging science. Interactions between drugs and the brain are insanely complex, and currently impossible to fully understand. I think many anti-med people unfairly blame psychiatry for the effects of this problem without acknowledging the cause. A fairer criticism is that psychiatrists too often make diagnoses that cannot accurately be made without the skills of a psychotherapist and a lot of counseling time. Therapy involves a very different skill set that can't be expected of someone who has to go through the years of education required to practice psychiatry.

Ideally everyone would be required to go through enough counseling to be diagnosed accurately, but obviously that tends to be expensive (which also makes it difficult to prosecute overprescription as a form of medical malpractice). Sometimes a cheaper, less-reliable treatment is the only treatment available, but ANY professional treatment is more likely to be reliable than average people playing Internet Drug Doctor.

This is true, but it is also true that as a group they place little value on therapy.
:( i feel you man. I've been in and out of that hole for a while now. I know one thing thought, the xanax would have definitely made things worse if you kept taking them. Sorry man, dont have much advice other than just stay strong, it will get better.

Yeah, fuck xanax. It's fucking siren's charm. Have you also suffered from anxiety and that kind of shit?
Psychiatry is a legitimate and necessary branch of health care that just happens to draw from an extremely challenging science. Interactions between drugs and the brain are insanely complex, and currently impossible to fully understand. I think many anti-med people unfairly blame psychiatry for the effects of this problem without acknowledging the cause. A fairer criticism is that psychiatrists too often make diagnoses that cannot accurately be made without the skills of a psychotherapist and a lot of counseling time. Therapy involves a very different skill set that can't be expected of someone who has to go through the years of education required to practice psychiatry.

feels strange to call something essential and then in the next sentence say that no one understands it and the drug ethics within said "science" are also a problem as well as the laziness/ineptitude of those in said health care
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feels strange to call something essential and then in the next sentence say that no one understands it and the drug ethics within said "science" are also a problem as well as the laziness/ineptitude of those in said health care
It's strange that there are people with severe mental illnesses who need drugs, and professional help choosing the right drugs? This ain't exactly astrology we're talking about.
It's strange that there are people with severe mental illnesses who need drugs, and professional help choosing the right drugs? This ain't exactly astrology we're talking about.

you just demonstrated the problems within said profession

quite honestly, astrology seems to have more of a logical basis than just pure sedation via psychiatric drugging
you just demonstrated the problems within said profession

quite honestly, astrology seems to have more of a logical basis than just pure sedation via psychiatric drugging

As someone who isn't very pro-medication, there are at least a couple of mental issues which need some sedation, if you will. One is schizophrenia, and the other is bipolar disorder(s). I do think that for anxiety and mood disorders, which constitute the majority of mental health problems, being treated with meds is generally a bandaid at best.
no doubt, but there's a reason why white people with any semblance of wealth are stereotyped with having xanax and whatever other comparables on them at all times. kids in boulder ate that shit like candy
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you just demonstrated the problems within said profession

quite honestly, astrology seems to have more of a logical basis than just pure sedation via psychiatric drugging

As someone who isn't very pro-medication, there are at least a couple of mental issues which need some sedation, if you will. One is schizophrenia, and the other is bipolar disorder(s). I do think that for anxiety and mood disorders, which constitute the majority of mental health problems, being treated with meds is generally a bandaid at best.
Glad we're meeting halfway at least.

Calling most treatment cases "bandaids" seems to ignore the fact that circumstances of many people's lives (poverty, shit jobs, dysfunctional families, domestic abuse, etc.) aren't always conducive to non-medicated recovery.
Glad we're meeting halfway at least.

Psychologists don't have any problem admitting the science limiting their effectiveness. A dfiference between psychology and psychiatry.

Calling most treatment cases "bandaids" seems to ignore the fact that circumstances of many people's lives (poverty, shit jobs, dysfunctional families, domestic abuse, etc.) aren't always conducive to non-medicated recovery.

Well, the point of disagreement is that it isn't recovery. It's that the realities of life require some bandaids. But treating meds as anything other than that is mostly a disservice.
Fair enough, have you watched his lectures? I really don't care about the debates he did with Sam Harris.

Boring to me, a card-carrying atheist that also thinks Eastern mysticism has its merits vs. a clinically depressed psychologist obsessed with Jungian interpretations of religion? Pass. Especially pass because I heard that it was long and went nowhere.

Honestly, I don't think he's that religious. I would put money on him not actually being a believer, I think he's just attached to the symbolism in religion. He recently did a big thing on the story of Buddhism for example. He's into the archetypes within religion.
Peterson is definitely very religious and spiritually motivated. Haven't looked into his lectures but watched him on Rogan and Harris x2, all I need to know I think. He was also a douche on that campus activism thing, just to be a douche
I disagree, if you think that I'm just going to go ahead and say you haven't watched enough.

What are you talking about with that end bit though?

Peterson is definitely very religious and spiritually motivated.

Actually, I feel sure in how misinformed you are because I just remembered when Steven Crowder interviewed him and I just remember how uncomfortable Crowder looked as Peterson was describing his own relationship with Christianity.

Peterson does not take any of the bible in the literal sense and Crowder looked like he was about to cry/get into a debate.
didn't say he was a pure christian, i said he's very religious. that's why he's kind of annoying, how he rationalizes God within his life and profession is out there and burdensome. but it's also how he grows his base, the internet/anti-left debaters love the idea of a Christian God making a reappearance in society

this video, off memory, is a good example of how he's just being a douche to be a douche. The part I remember is "if I want to be called "X", why don't you call me "X" ?" He had no answer to that real and correct objection

Off memory again, but I imagine this 40 minute clip encapsulates my problems with him
I can't be arsed to re-watch all of this footage. :lol:

But I have no problem with his take on religion. [shrug]
If I recall, you were one of the people here making out like Hacksaw Ridge was some overwhelming piece of Christian propaganda though right? You might just be a little sensitive to religion or something.

this video, off memory, is a good example of how he's just being a douche to be a douche. The part I remember is "if I want to be called "X", why don't you call me "X" ?" He had no answer to that real and correct objection

He's had many valid responses to that question.

For example, he doesn't want to validate what he sees as the product of radical left-wing ideologues (radical feminists, post-modernists, neo-Marxists and so on), he also values language in a specific way that these demands don't fit within, but his overall point wasn't that he's against reciprocating the pronoun desires of a polite person or a person he respects but rather that he's opposed to Bill C-16 which makes not using people's preferred pronouns (which includes all the made up ones such as ze, zir etc) a form of hate speech.

Absolutely zero problem with how he's been interacting and dealing with these activists and this subject. Claiming he's just being a douche for douche's sake is a ridiculously weak argument and you should go and think about this a little more, no offense.