The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I really want to rant about work... but I'm trying not to. Just a side note most of my bosses have been white and I've never had an issue with them nor when I fucked up i thought it was racism. But if I gotta listen to these neurotic white women complain about the boss being black one more time... they are like gossiping church ladies. Like shut the fuck up, do your job, make the corrections, and then go the fuck home. It's just that simple. And obviously I don't mean that with any sort of racism... I'm just saying.

Sounds like typical white woman behavior. I hated one of my old jobs solely due to the staff being majority white women.

I thought Gladiator was amazing when it came out, but it seems a bit too forced/over the top now. It's still better than most of the shit Hollywood has been churning out since though.

Strange complaint, I didn't feel that when I re-watched it myself.

I feel like Gladiator hasn't aged very well, but I thought it was super sick when I first saw it. Watched it recently and it was alright. I think, as far as that particular genre goes, Braveheart has aged much better. I can still watch that movie and feel some real feels. Probably helps that they weren't using CGI in that one, from what I remember.

I disagree I think its aged really well, but it can't touch the greatness of Braveheart.
Associating with groups of American women in general is a big risk. Thankfully in my field I'm mostly in contact with nerdy ones or foreign students/recent immigrants from Asia. I remember some dumb 1 credit class I took in undergrad, and a bunch of white girls were complaining about having to do too much work, and when they failed to beg for less work to the professor (a blatantly gay man), they all gossiped about how he was just a misogynist. Made me lol.

Western culture is degenerate and must be destroyed.
We could talk about the degradation of China all day, but what about Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam and all their ladyboys? Indonesia and its insanity with slowly replacing its secular constitution with Islam? India, need I say more?

You're a typical white guy mutant, glorifying Asia because you're a creep. :lol:
Degradation of China? You shitcunt abo, China is conquering the world, and if you could look above your white neighbor's fuel tank for just a second you'd see how your nation will be the first to fall. South Korea has been going ridiculously strong for decades now and is now a fully legitimate competitor to American technology. Vietnam and especially Malaysia are rapidly growing as well despite still having a ways to go, particularly the later who are a powerhouse for tech manufacturing. I glorify Asia because they're greater practitioners of capitalism than most of the West and haven't resigned to a life of getting shitfaced to shit metal in their shit government-funded apartments.
Wait, are you saying degradation can't exist within a country with an upward trend of success?

I assumed you were talking about net degradation being that to simply point out that bad things happen in China is completely meaningless without context. Describe the "degradation" you're talking about.
Associating with groups of American women in general is a big risk. Thankfully in my field I'm mostly in contact with nerdy ones or foreign students/recent immigrants from Asia. I remember some dumb 1 credit class I took in undergrad, and a bunch of white girls were complaining about having to do too much work, and when they failed to beg for less work to the professor (a blatantly gay man), they all gossiped about how he was just a misogynist. Made me lol.

Western culture is degenerate and must be destroyed.

This context dummy. The cultural context.
This context dummy. The cultural context.

What cultural degradation? Mao already tried his best to destroy Chinese culture, it can't get much worse than him. Are you talking about the new rich in China and those children of skyscraper developers that go around in gold-plated Ferraris snorting coke in high-class Chinese raves? Yeah they exist, but that's the exception, not the norm. I never said that China will be free of degeneracy forever, once they reach our standard of living I think it's only natural that they decay as well.
Cool, a Facebook video of some white English-speaking guy approaching a house and apparently being blocked by Chinese people, with a link to a BBC article in Chinese, which when translated tells me that it's about a woman struggling to run as an independent candidate in a nation none of us would argue is democratic.

Anything else?
The Two-child Policy.

What about it? The one-child policy saved them from potential hundreds of millions more Chinese people that would be living in squalor. I didn't say they were a libertarian paradise, but the things you're talking about are nothing compared to the improvements China has seen since the 80s.
Cultural improvements? Sure, like you said, Mao was a low point that is hard to compare with, but there's a reason they have such policies to begin with. Environmentally the country is also a total disaster.
Cultural improvements? Sure, like you said, Mao was a low point that is hard to compare with, but there's a reason they have such policies to begin with. Environmentally the country is also a total disaster.

I'd say it's more pragmatic than cultural. Peasants didn't have lots of kids because of some innate cultural pride, they did because they wanted cheap labor to plow the fields. It's a minor deal.

The costs of environmental damage are easily outweighed by the benefits in most other features of their standard of living.

Life expectancy:


GDP per capita:
