The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

And how's it, mate?

It's great. Would already put it in my top 3 metal albums of the year along with Emptiness and Possession. Not a massive fan of Blood Vaults and the EP version of Takitum Tootem didn't do much for me but the album version is enjoyable and there's a fuck load of cool riffs and sounds on here. Really varied (and yet good) vocals, some bagpipes, some industrial sounding shit.

dat riff at 1:40
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LOL triggering people on Facebook when you aren't even intending to do it at all is hilarious.

On a Facebook group for metal drummers and enthusiasts and some guy posts about a bass drum practice paid for sale in Europe and where he can get one in the states. Some people are posting some alternatives so I post a link to the one I have (Gibraltar pad, not a slouch by any means but I can see why people may not like it):

other guy: That one is garbage
Me: It isn't in my opinion
other guy: Your opinion.......doesn't matter. Still garbage
Me: Cool story
Him: Yeah whatever back to work chico

Then I post an animated gif of Razor Ramon (because he calls people chico) throwing a toothpick and he blocks me.

LOL u triggerd bro? I thought he would find the Razor gif somewhat amusing..
It's great. Would already put it in my top 3 metal albums of the year along with Emptiness and Possession. Not a massive fan of Blood Vaults and the EP version of Takitum Tootem didn't do much for me but the album version is enjoyable and there's a fuck load of cool riffs and sounds on here. Really varied (and yet good) vocals, some bagpipes, some industrial sounding shit.

dat riff at 1:40

Good stuff. I see Alexander went for much more polished production than on previous releases.
LOL triggering people on Facebook when you aren't even intending to do it at all is hilarious.

On a Facebook group for metal drummers and enthusiasts and some guy posts about a bass drum practice paid for sale in Europe and where he can get one in the states. Some people are posting some alternatives so I post a link to the one I have (Gibraltar pad, not a slouch by any means but I can see why people may not like it):

other guy: That one is garbage
Me: It isn't in my opinion
other guy: Your opinion.......doesn't matter. Still garbage
Me: Cool story
Him: Yeah whatever back to work chico

Then I post an animated gif of Razor Ramon (because he calls people chico) throwing a toothpick and he blocks me.

LOL u triggerd bro? I thought he would find the Razor gif somewhat amusing..
I got blocked by a guy on a bass guitar page the other week, the page kept sharing these lame videos of him just noodling aimlessly, up to 4 vids a day would appear in my feed and people started making comments criticising his sound and so forth.. I commented that his sound was ok but I could do without 4 videos a day and he commented back quickly about how it wasn't his fault if the page wanted to share his videos, except he accidentally posted under the page's account and not his own. He quickly deleted the comment and reposted under his own name and I commented that obviously the page wanted to share all his vids because he is the fucking admin... Bam - blocked, banned haha.
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Slept without waking repeatedly for the first time in a while. Feel so fresh. And got rid of this awful cunt at work yesterday so today should be alright.
I've had trouble sleeping since I was at least 12 or 13. The past 2 years have been the best in ages. Don't usually have any trouble getting to sleep now (given how active I am it'd be fucking ridiculous if I did), I just get woken up easily. It's annoying because if I sleep right through I feel fine after about 5 hours but if I'm woken during the night I need something closer to 7 to not feel like shite.