The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

the dickish characterisations/general amorality and absurd scheming/plotting etc i guess. i also believe they took a lot of influence from british comedy, and before i read that i always felt the show was in the fawlty towers tradition of unhinged morally bankrupt farce and generally loud, manic assholery. curb is another thing that influenced them iirc.
Twice already. :lol:

Cheers though.

4 characters, one being a woman, with no real storyline and how they all interact with each other?


It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia has 5 characters and Seinfeld mostly revolves around each character's dating life and then the inner workings of the friendship shared by the group.

It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia is nothing like that.
charlie and the waitress? D trying to find love? Dennis not being gay? Mac (EDITED FROM CHARLIE HATERS) and Dennis not being gay? come on :lol: It's a good show but it's incredibly influenced by Seinfeld

on peterson, was curious to your assessment to our previous discussion about him not being to (christian) religious? :p
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I never said it wasn't influenced by Seinfeld, I'd wager most post-90's sitcoms are.
Rather I was just confused that people were saying it was basically Seinfeld C+P via a gutter.

I don't remember our previous discussion much, except that I just disagreed with the way you characterised him. You were being very irrational and it was overwhelmingly clear that you had already made up your mind about him and trying to add any nuance to your view was a waste of effort on my part.

I've encountered similar things recently with some friends that are now alt-right and suddenly despise people because they're Jewish or a cuck or something. Sometimes it's just not worth fighting through someone's intense bias and determination to see someone through only one lens.

If Jordan Peterson is too religious for you, you're too anti-religious to even reason with imo.

Oh and PS: it's Mac who is implied as gay, not Dennis.
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I don't remember our previous discussion much, except that I just disagreed with the way you characterised him. You were being very irrational and it was overwhelmingly clear that you had already made up your mind about him and trying to add any nuance to your view was a waste of effort on my part.

If Jordan Peterson is too religious for you, you're too anti-religious to even reason with imo.

this comment is ridiculous. the dude went into an hour+ diatribe about how men cannot find themselves because they lost their messiah, Jesus. He literally frames the problems with young (white? probably) men in the 21st century because they lost Jesus. Not God, Jesus. If that isn't an overly religious person, I don't know what is. Westboro Baptist people? Polygamous Mormons?

Oh and PS: it's Mac who is implied as gay, not Dennis.

Mac is more so, but Dennis being hinted at as being gay is not something hidden
Dennis isn't gay nor is it hinted at. Give me a specific example if you are sticking by that.

As to the Jesus thing, I can't deal with how dense you're being. I just really can't be bothered, Jesus is a symbol and a meta hero archetype, if you haven't delved into Peterson's work you're bound to draw asinine conclusions like that.

Watch his stuff and write him a letter or make a video response criticising him or something, not sure why you're channelling your frustrations with him towards me.
so if he lectures even more about it, that helps prove my point. 'frustration' towards you is that you accuse me of being irrationally biased but admit that you
If Jordan Peterson is too religious for you, you're too anti-religious to even reason with imo.
you're not even contesting the idea that he is too religious rather that it's a good critique or something. that is the point here, Peterson is heavily influenced and driven by Christianity

actually can't find anymore, maybe when I watch some more episodes i'll get reminded of some or just wrong. But even if it's just hetero-Dennis, it's still the same archetype and mold of Seinfeld in a 'filthier' way
If you say so, but it's well established that Dennis is a heterosexual player type with a sub/dom kink lean. That bar scene was related to his insane vanity.

I've watched that show a billion times over. Actually if I would compare it to any show it'd be Cheers.
You should start playing Hearthstone. It's like a more streamlined MTG. It's free and the things you buy in the game are not only helpful but fun, and totally not pay to win.
Not sure how I feel about the "streamlined" part (the complexity of MTG's rules allows for some really strange and really fun card interactions) but it does sound interesting. I'll have to check it out.

Regardless, I have a rough decklist. Blue/Black Dark Depths bud.
@Phylactery i've gone from thinking this is gonna be a really fascinating french open with loads of plausible scenarios playing out, to thinking nadal's just gonna steamroll everybody. again. what a fucking comeback, man. i never thought it'd happen in a million years, i know you're a fed fan but you've gotta admire that dude. you couldn't make this past year of tennis up.
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