The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread


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I could see if he died from disease or from some tragic accident, but the dude killed himself. He didnt take his life seriously, so why should everyone else? From the sound of it, this is more pathetic than even a drug OD.

I was able to catch CC live with Audioslave back in 2003. Definitely a good vocalist, but I dont think I listened to any of his shit since.
From what I now understand much of his work was influenced with personal and near battles with depression. People deal with depression as well as death in different ways and differently at different times. One way is humor. Another is with music. Another is with suicide.
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Last day of school! Well, I have exams Monday and Tuesday, and fuck tomorrow, I'm not going to school. Currently, I am listening to Pantera. Phil Anselmo is the best metal frontman.
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A funny Pantera memory has resurfaced in my mind. On the school band trip a few weeks ago, I was in the bus wearing a Pantera shirt. For whatever reason, and much to the dismay of of the guy next to me, Sponge Bob was on the small televisions on the bus. Then, the episode that happened to contain Death Rattle by Pantera came on, and at the end, the band's logo showed up on the screen. Everyone starting commenting about my shirt. It was pretty funny.