The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Bout to get some euros as just realised I only have 380 to last me 3 days.


Listening to "A New Level" by Pantera. I wonder what he screams at the beginning when he plays it live...

I think it might be "Kill this king" or "Chew this cock".
fucking gout hurts like hell

Yea, it really sucks. I inherited it from my father and started getting the occasional flare ups since my late teens. I usually get it in my ankles, and at its most intense I cant even walk on it. Awful stuff, there really isnt anything you can do for relief except pop some ibuprofen and ride it out. Hurts as much as breaking a bone.
Yea, it really sucks. I inherited it from my father and started getting the occasional flare ups since my late teens. I usually get it in my ankles, and at its most intense I cant even walk on it. Awful stuff, there really isnt anything you can do for relief except pop some ibuprofen and ride it out. Hurts as much as breaking a bone.

My dad has it, changing you diet helps and there are prescription medications to reduce flare ups
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My dad has it, changing you diet helps and there are prescription medications to reduce flare ups

Yea, ill eventually start taking allopurinol, but id rather avoid having to take meds everyday for flareups that I get on average once or twice a year. As for diet, reducing the intake of foods rich in purines definitely helps. Unfortunately that includes hoppy beers, which I do notice as being one of the more powerful triggers (along with dehydration). Though as far as relief goes once you get a flareup, ive found that nothing is really effective for reducing inflammation and pain other than time.
Yea, it really sucks. I inherited it from my father and started getting the occasional flare ups since my late teens. I usually get it in my ankles, and at its most intense I cant even walk on it. Awful stuff, there really isnt anything you can do for relief except pop some ibuprofen and ride it out. Hurts as much as breaking a bone.
That's what I get for too much shellfish and beer. I've been popping Aleve pills like candy and drinking pure apple cider vinegar
Sitting in a Kroger parking lot smashing sushi and chain-smoking for a bit. Avoiding going home because my dude wouldn't clean up one small mess, so I got pissed and stopped cleaning all the things I clean, so now the apartment is some hellish abomination and I neither enjoy being in it nor want to give in to him not doing his share.
Sitting in a Kroger parking lot smashing sushi and chain-smoking for a bit. Avoiding going home because my dude wouldn't clean up one small mess, so I got pissed and stopped cleaning all the things I clean, so now the apartment is some hellish abomination and I neither enjoy being in it nor want to give in to him not doing his share.

Relationship status: Healthy.
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It will be when I stomp in there and throw all my dirty clothes in the living room. Equality in all things!