The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I think the usage of the term "racism" is ridiculous in itself. People can be treated properly or they can be mistreated, it doesn't matter what their fucking race is. If someone is killed out of racist motives, all that really matters is that they were killed, who fucking cares about the motives?

It matters for at least three reasons:

Racism manifests as a political ideology with followers (i.e. the Ku Klux Klan), and the number of crimes caused by racism is partly a function of the amount of power these groups accumulate.

Any cause of crime, whether it's racism or something else, demands a separate set of preventative measures. If someone is shot to death by someone with a racist motive, the government could change its law enforcement priorities to either crack down on racist ideology or tighten gun control, and the approach they choose has a big impact on how many similar crimes are prevented in the future.

Racism also causes inequality in the criminal justice system, such as more severe penalties for racial minorities and a higher rate of police brutality against them.

You can't solve any of the above problems by ignoring racism as a distinct motive.
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I know you are joking, but those who make that notion are "racist". That's why I hate that term. It is paradoxical, it deprives itself of its own meaning. This is because the definition is too broad. If "racism" refers to the conceptual or actual discrimination of people based on race, then merely acknowledging race as the biological reality that it is makes one a racist. 90% of the population has at least a halfway decent view on this, and by the SJW "racism is bad" logic, then 90% of the population is comprised of bigoted assholes.

This is not necessarily true. Racism is not just acknowledging different races, it is the attribution of superiority in one race over another. Being racist is about being judgmental, prejudiced, or disdainful about someone or a group of people just because they are, for example, black or Hispanic. The problem is that SJW types are abusing the label, not that the label itself has no meaning.

I think the usage of the term "racism" is ridiculous in itself. People can be treated properly or they can be mistreated, it doesn't matter what their fucking race is. If someone is killed out of racist motives, all that really matters is that they were killed, who fucking cares about the motives?

Well, murder is murder, but the reason why it matters is because without the motive there is no murder. The same applies to racial discrimination of various types across the board. What is ridiculous is that you see no problems with this, apparently.
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But of course if a gang of blacks target a white person, rob them and that white person dies as a consequence, that's not a racially motivated hate crime, because only whites can be racist.

Jeez, what a convenient set-up.

You're a straight white teenage boy, racism doesn't affect you on a daily basis. You don't get to say "it doesn't matter what people's race is".

Did you just assume @Iron Wizard's race/sex/gender? :eek:
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Criminals,cops,etc... are going to shoot each other all day, it has nothing to do with gun control, there are responsible people that use firearms, you can't target responsible people that use gun control.
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But of course if a gang of blacks target a white person, rob them and that white person dies as a consequence, that's not a racially motivated hate crime, because only whites can be racist.

Jeez, what a convenient set-up.

A lot of racist black people hold a superiority complex about their race; that would surely qualify for racist even under scrutiny, wouldnt it? Or black people who assume you are a lame SWPL. I wouldnt think all blacks just feel perpetually cucked by white society. Is it racist if I hate black people because of their superior physical traits? (btw I dont)
But of course if a gang of blacks target a white person, rob them and that white person dies as a consequence, that's not a racially motivated hate crime, because only whites can be racist.

Jeez, what a convenient set-up.

Did you just assume @Iron Wizard's race/sex/gender? :eek:

In fact, I straddle the line between male and female, as a gender fluid person.
Yes. Thanks for that.

I said that and then also said I don't know of any examples, you corrected me with statistics. Not sure what your point is anymore?

I said I don't know of any examples so why would that opinion be any different than that?
I'll live.

Edit: Honestly, I don't know what it is, but I've been very politically lazy lately, so I do actually genuinely appreciate you correcting me. I think I'm just burned out and also mentally invested in a few non-political things to such a degree that I'm just spewing memes at this point anytime politics comes up.
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That's not what it is, I haven't been following any of that stuff for awhile.

I've just dived headfirst into Warhammer all over again as well as taking more of an interest in philosophy and so what's left of my mental energy is just herpy derpy meme shit.

If I did still follow politics on Youtube I might actually be somewhat coherent.
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Went to Walmart today to buy a few things for my MDF trip, and I decided to get one of those USB power-banks for my phone. The one I decided to get has one of those locks on the end of the hanger that say to find an associate. The one associate they had working in the area was preoccupied with a line of people, and my time is valuable, so I said fuck it and just ripped it off the hanger. Afterwards I had security attempting to covertly follow me throughout the store, but because they are bumbling idiots, they used the intercom twice to attempt to tell security of my location, and at the register I actually heard the security guard conversing on his portable with "base" to confirm my location. No confrontation or anything even after I left the store, I was disappointed.
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Half heartedly trying to find tattoo artist in the UK that does sci fi/slightly surreal sorta shit.

First time I've ever really browsed instagram or pinterest.