The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Whatever man. Guess I'll just keep paying 50% of all our expenses, doing 90% of the housework, and getting my way 10% of the time. I'll just be taking 40% more hours at work and studying 70% harder next semester.
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Just sorted where I'm gonna live in September also drinking Famous Grouse definitely didn't go for something more expensive than I was intending to because alcohol who would do that.
Lol got banned from a Facebook page for.....reporting a post to an admin. Cool story.

I can beat that one...when I was an idiot and considered myself to be an anarchist, I joined the anarchist reddit. A few days latter, I got banned. That seems subversive of the intent of the subreddit.

Apparently, anarchists are fine with everything, except for "racism". I might add that their definition of "racism" is extremely petty. It is apparently racist to hate ghetto and hip hop culture. Sounds like the site is more racist than me.

I think the usage of the term "racism" is ridiculous in itself. People can be treated properly or they can be mistreated, it doesn't matter what their fucking race is. If someone is killed out of racist motives, all that really matters is that they were killed, who fucking cares about the motives?
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Laughing at the shitstorm among my British Facebook friends.

The Conservative Party wants to regulate the Internet vs. the Labour Party wants to flood England with immigrants while saying they're speaking for the British poor and working class.
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What the feck?

The Ozz is literally Hitler.

Brief backstory:

Ugly Guitars group on Facebook: Guy posted a picture of his guitar. It had stickers all over it and one was a swastika (not the Nazi type, but the Hindu/Buddhist style swastika that has been around for a very long time). Someone reported it and then made a post in the group asking people to not post pictures of guitars with swastikas on them. Of course it turned into a shit storm. I reported the post because it's not relevant to the group at all and really it shouldn't matter. An ugly guitar is an ugly guitar and that's the point of the group.

Go back to check the page 10 minutes later and it won't load but it still says I'm in the group lmao. Admin got triggered.

The best part is people from the subcontinent and far east who indicated that the swastika mentioned is everywhere in their culture and people blew them off and said 'WELL ACKSHUALLEE'
I think the usage of the term "racism" is ridiculous in itself. People can be treated properly or they can be mistreated, it doesn't matter what their fucking race is. If someone is killed out of racist motives, all that really matters is that they were killed, who fucking cares about the motives?
You're a straight white teenage boy, racism doesn't affect you on a daily basis. You don't get to say "it doesn't matter what people's race is".
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You're a straight white teenage boy, racism doesn't affect you on a daily basis. You don't get to say "it doesn't matter what people's race is".

I know you are joking, but those who make that notion are "racist". That's why I hate that term. It is paradoxical, it deprives itself of its own meaning. This is because the definition is too broad. If "racism" refers to the conceptual or actual discrimination of people based on race, then merely acknowledging race as the biological reality that it is makes one a racist. 90% of the population has at least a halfway decent view on this, and by the SJW "racism is bad" logic, then 90% of the population is comprised of bigoted assholes.