The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

I guess you can put me in the majority 'cant be bothered' camp when it comes to jumping the Windows ship. While Windows fucked up a lot of things (start menu, security, bloat, etc), there really isnt much to complain about when it comes to program stability and my computer is speedy enough where resource management isnt a problem. I think it would be more trouble than what it's worth to have to figure out which programs I use can be used on the different OS, not to mention having to fight with the logic of an entirely foreign (to me) OS. First things first I need to replace some of the storage drives in my PC as they are pretty much all well over the 5 year mark. My music drive is 10 years old and is slowing down, so I gotta do that before it starts failing.
I'm fucking dying. Decided to start drinking at 1pm and carried on until 3:30am. Drank a concoction of all sorts of shit. I haven't been sick in years but I started throwing up when I got home. Head down the toilet for half an hour - not good!

Suffering today. I feel this is going to be a 5 day hangover. My previous record was 4 days. And no a fucking headache is not a hangover.
Linux is bullshit, unless you're writing software or running a server on it. I use it at work because I have to.

Chrome, Google Docs and OpenOffice are all glitchy as fuck on it, Chrome even crashes my PC sometimes. Microsoft Office isn't compatible with it, nor are most games I would play (not that this matters at work, but it's a deal breaker for me at home).

Installing and updating software is a pain in the ass because there isn't the concept of an "installer file" like the .msi file in Windows, and Linux's software updater app often comes only with knowledge of where to download "free as in speech" apps, making the ones you actually use take a lot of extra steps to download and install.

I've also found it extremely difficult to install printers, and folder navigation is way clunkier and less intuitive than in Windows.

People love bitching about Windows because it's made by a big corporation, but the truth is operating systems are difficult as fuck to make, and there's a lot of work that goes into Windows that has never gone into Linux.
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Which distro did you use? I know it's bad in general on the gaming front so I would probably still keep a secondary Windows format/disk for that and certain other applications, but 90% of my free computer time is spent browsing the internet and listening to music.

My primary issue with newer Windows is the forced-updating, always-stuff-running-in-the-background, always-online bullshit, I don't have anything inherently against large corporations or THE MAN or anything, but they sell a bloated product.
Ubuntu. My understanding is it's the most user-friendly distro.

Not sure which forced updates you're talking about, but every OS is constantly being updated, at least for security reasons. Either you get used to it or you leave yourself exposed to malware.
Ubuntu is user friendly, like windows in some respects. The draw of Linux/Unix is in its power user capabilities though. You can do things in one line that put multiple lines of DOS to shame. If you're not using the command line there's no real point in using Linux, imo. Unix is the language to use when communicating with large servers/supercomputers
Ubuntu. My understanding is it's the most user-friendly distro.

Not sure which forced updates you're talking about, but every OS is constantly being updated, at least for security reasons. Either you get used to it or you leave yourself exposed to malware.

Mint is the most polished and normie-friendly distro afaik.

Restricted user accounts do 98% of the work in not getting viruses. The last time I had a serious virus issue it was using Windows 2000 when I was 10-11 years old, installing some alleged service pack off of some Starcraft crack site.
Ex girlfriend votes libertarian but says SSI isn't government related.

Lol wut?

She probably read someone on the internet say "SSI isn't welfare, you pay for it with taxes on your own income" and assumed it was as simple as money in, money out.
Linux is bullshit, unless you're writing software or running a server on it. I use it at work because I have to.

Chrome, Google Docs and OpenOffice are all glitchy as fuck on it, Chrome even crashes my PC sometimes. Microsoft Office isn't compatible with it, nor are most games I would play (not that this matters at work, but it's a deal breaker for me at home).

Installing and updating software is a pain in the ass because there isn't the concept of an "installer file" like the .msi file in Windows, and Linux's software updater app often comes only with knowledge of where to download "free as in speech" apps, making the ones you actually use take a lot of extra steps to download and install.

I've also found it extremely difficult to install printers, and folder navigation is way clunkier and less intuitive than in Windows.

People love bitching about Windows because it's made by a big corporation, but the truth is operating systems are difficult as fuck to make, and there's a lot of work that goes into Windows that has never gone into Linux.

Ubuntu is user friendly, like windows in some respects. The draw of Linux/Unix is in its power user capabilities though. You can do things in one line that put multiple lines of DOS to shame. If you're not using the command line there's no real point in using Linux, imo. Unix is the language to use when communicating with large servers/supercomputers

I'm using Ubuntu as well. The Gnome Software Centre sucks ass but I've gotten used to installing and updating using only the command line, so really no trouble for me. Aside from some games I've had no problems getting programs because basically everything I use is already available for Linux natively, and I haven't experienced any crashing issues at all.
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I've only ever been stuck in bed for a day at most, and that's after drinking the sorta amounts that really should hospitalize someone that doesn't weigh 30 stone.


I guess you can put me in the majority 'cant be bothered' camp when it comes to jumping the Windows ship.

I'd be happy not to use Windows but then I'd have to find alternative versions for all the music software I use and in many cases that doesn't exist so. Eh. I'm okay with Windows 7 anyway. I know what I'm doing with computers so it's not like I've got it running all bloated to fuck like the average retard would.
Clearly you've never drank enough then! I wasn't bed bound but yesterday was a total write off, I wasn't fit to do anything.
I get blackout drunk pretty regularly and I get hungover but all next day/days in bed must require some sort of gargantuan consumption rate or something.
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it's only happened to me twice, i assume it constitutes alcohol poisoning. it's not that i was asleep all that time or something, just that if i sat up i immediately felt like throwing up.