The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Yeah I have little sympathy or patience for alcoholics. Genuine alcoholics who endanger lives, act as a drain on the system and neglect/ruin the lives of their families.

My heart is ice fucking cold towards those assholes and I thank lady luck I didn't turn out like my family.
I didn't bash people that drink alcohol. I drink alcohol. Alcoholics are subhumans though.

You didn't answer my question: Does this include the ones who seek help in their addiction?

Chiropractors can actually help

What's the motivating factor behind going to a chiropractor vs. an orthopedist with an actual degree in medicine?
aint nobody got money for that

Well, when you get hit by a car and it was clearly the driver’s fault their insurance pays for the medical.

@HamburgerBoy you use that word way too much. I hope you’re of the highest order of humans. Id rather speak to an alcoholic or soda addict than a selfish person devoid of basic morals. An alcoholic or addict can successfully get help.
What's the motivating factor behind going to a chiropractor vs. an orthopedist with an actual degree in medicine?

You go to each for different reasons. An orthopedic performs surgery and prescribes medicine. A chiropractor can do neither but there is a discipline that combines the two. I mean medicine is a trial and error thing both comes with their risks, but it just depends on your needs. This might be cultural but I just think surgery should be a last resort thing. If i can try to realign something through some stretches or whatever I’ll try that first.
@HamburgerBoy you use that word way too much. I hope you’re of the highest order of humans. Id rather speak to an alcoholic or soda addict than a selfish person devoid of basic morals. An alcoholic or addict can successfully get help.

Spoken like someone that doesn't know any alcoholics. Alcoholics and lardasses are some of the most selfish people around. Their entire existence revolves around stimulating basic centers in the brain to the detriment of their own lives and society. If alcohol disappeared from society, so would the vast majority of violent crime, and societal health would improve greatly.

He calls people who can't control their vices degenerates but watches porn which is a degenerate thing to do.

You could say that about pornography, but the difference is that most humans are hardwired to be conducive to sexual arousal. I hump pillows primarily to take care of primal urges and immediately go back to my normal life once I've had my nut. I don't wake up with a hangover or inability to work just because my pillow smells a little salty. There is no moral difference between sex outside of marriage/intention to conceive, and masturbation. Similarly, I don't consider "sex addiction" to be a real problem unless you're Bob Crane or Anthony Weiner. I have no moral qualms with people fucking to their heart's content.

Seems to me his idea of a degenerate is somebody that lets their vices bleed over into the lives of those around them/society at large. Reasonable.

I mean obviously surgery is a last resort but if I have to choose someone with a non medical degree over someone with a medical degree to diagnose my problem and give treatment, I'm obviously going with the person who has a medical degree.

I am biased when it comes to that though since my dad is a doctor and I grew up around doctors.
How is a soda addict bleeding over and affecting everyone else? Like someone who has it in their head that all of x are degenerate people, I can’t see how that’s helpful to society. Some people need help with things.
How is a soda addict bleeding over and affecting everyone else? Like someone who has it in their head that all of x are degenerate people, I can’t see how that’s helpful to society. Some people need help with things.

Socialized healthcare means tax dollars are wasted on their addiction. Their fat asses have to be accommodated by the ADA. The disgusting noises of their sloshing bellies reverberating under their cries of having genetic predispositions towards being lardasses causes me physical and mental anguish. They are degenerate subhumans.
I mean obviously surgery is a last resort but if I have to choose someone with a non medical degree over someone with a medical degree to diagnose my problem and give treatment, I'm obviously going with the person who has a medical degree.

I am biased when it comes to that though since my dad is a doctor and I grew up around doctors.

My dad is a doctor too and all of my siblings work in the medical field except my oldest sister and myself. My dad actually taught me that people have gotten better and their health improved due to sanitation improving before they introduced antibiotics. I mean there are things that are absolutely need medical treatment, no doubt. Chiropractors take X-rays and go to school/receive training. It’s more of a skill. They give you exercises to do and stuff. It just depends on the issue. If the X-ray shows that whatever the issue is is beyond what they can do then they have to refer you to a different type of help. I know it’s like hip now these alternative medicines but a lot of them are really just exercising and massages which are both proven to help some things. Now that needle shit, I can’t speak on. (Forgot what that was called)
I find it weird when people lose weight through giving up alcohol.

I'm sure it mostly comes down to them not eating loads of crap whilst pissed. I was my lightest (as an adult) when I drank loads and now it doesn't seem to make any difference how much I drink. I keep a rough track of how many calories I'm consuming but don't bother adding in the beers. Which means I'm supposedly ignoring a day or more calories a week. Which, given that I don't have some crazy metabolism, seems like bullshit.

Gonna go watch some fireworks or some shit now because everyone apparently thinks it's cool to wage war on birds.
Soda addict reporting in, still a more stellar example of humanity/manhood than Hamburgayboy

Also not a lardass, small gut but mostly a twig
Soda addiction tends to comes with negative health implications. Most people who are massively overweight are so due not so much to what they eat but what they drink and drinking large, addiction-level amounts of soda is not an action that overlaps much with an active lifestyle.

That kind of thing, especially in countries like Australia with universal healthcare, is a drain on society. Simply put, the west is obese.

I have no moral qualms with people fucking to their heart's content.

Issues resulting from promiscuous sex are just as big a drain on society are they not?