The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

Soda addict reporting in, still a more stellar example of humanity/manhood than Hamburgayboy

Also not a lardass, small gut but mostly a twig

I'm pretty sure you're not, at least as far as "humanity" goes. Manhood, fair enough, but don't force me into your preconceived gender stereotypes you FAS baby.

Gut + twig = you'll have a fat pregnant-woman belly in 10 years.

Issues resulting from promiscuous sex are just as big a drain on society are they not?

Not really. Teen pregnancies and such are mostly the result of Christian moralizing/abstinence education. HIV is the result of homosexuals, heterosexuals don't spread it nearly as much. Single mothers with a billion children are a problem of the welfare state.
I'm sure it mostly comes down to them not eating loads of crap whilst pissed.

Usually not so much. Besides what Ozz said, alcoholics tend to drink for long periods without eating and then binge eat until they start drinking again.

One of the worst things about having an alcoholic mother growing up was that when she'd start her benders, food would no longer be a priority to her so we'd often go without until she sobered up again.

Teen pregnancies and such are mostly the result of Christian moralizing/abstinence education.

Any sources to back something like this up? Christian moralizing could lead to teen pregnancies but I bet on the other end that moralizing also leads to teen weddings to fix the mistake in some way.
Socialized healthcare means tax dollars are wasted on their addiction. Their fat asses have to be accommodated by the ADA. The disgusting noises of their sloshing bellies reverberating under their cries of having genetic predispositions towards being lardasses causes me physical and mental anguish. They are degenerate subhumans.

Lord. xD

Well you’re right I don’t know, personally, any true alcoholics. I know some obese people who try to keep their weight down and go to the gym. There’s tons of fat people who contribute and many addicts of some sorts who have made contributions too. Everyone sucks, in the end. Not giving people a chance, though, to improve is ridiculous. Even the thin, healthy person can improve too.
What kind of alcohol were you addicted to and how did your drinking methods go?

Did you drink for days or drink until you were drunk and then crash? People overuse the label alcoholic so much that I don't really trust people anymore when they self-identify.
I'm pretty sure you're not, at least as far as "humanity" goes. Manhood, fair enough, but don't force me into your preconceived gender stereotypes you FAS baby.
Not a very compelling argument, maaaan.

Plus if I had a child it'd be cute, but yours would come out needing a hair transplant for its already-receding hairline.

Gut + twig = you'll have a fat pregnant-woman belly in 10 years.
Nah bruv I've gone nowhere but down in weight over the past ten years.
Any sources to back something like this up? Christian moralizing could lead to teen pregnancies but I bet on the other end that moralizing also leads to teen weddings to fix the mistake in some way.

Teen pregnancy rates are much higher in states that practice abstinence-based sex ed, and overall much higher in the USA than in other Western nations.

Lord. xD

Well you’re right I don’t know, personally, any true alcoholics. I know some obese people who try to keep their weight down and go to the gym. There’s tons of fat people who contribute and many addicts of some sorts who have made contributions too. Everyone sucks, in the end. Not giving people a chance, though, to improve is ridiculous. Even the thin, healthy person can improve too.

I'm not taking away anybody's chance to improve. Some fat people make net contributions to society, though if you look at any group of successful people, e.g. Forbes 500 types or Nobel prize winners or whatever, you'll find very few lardasses. This is because to be a lardass, you need to have minimal self-control, and people without self-control in one facet of their life will often lack it in other facets as well.
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What kind of alcohol were you addicted to and how did your drinking methods go?

Mainly beer and then it went liquor and wine in terms of volume of consumption. My drinking didn't get to outrageous levels until last year when I would drink a 6 pack of tall Miller High Life roughly 5 nights a week on average but sometimes I would buy an 18 pack after I would run errands on a Saturday and start drinking at 2 PM and not stop until roughly midnight. If I finished the 18 pack before then, I would get in my car and drive to get more and come back and drink until I passed out. If I got a bottle of vodka or something, I would usually drink at least 80% of the bottle in an evening and then go get some beer to keep the buzz going. It was really fucking awful, dude.
Mainly beer and then it went liquor and wine in terms of volume of consumption. My drinking didn't get to outrageous levels until last year when I would drink a 6 pack of tall Miller High Life roughly 5 nights a week on average but sometimes I would buy an 18 pack after I would run errands on a Saturday and start drinking at 2 PM and not stop until roughly midnight. If I finished the 18 pack before then, I would get in my car and drive to get more and come back and drink until I passed out. If I got a bottle of vodka or something, I would usually drink at least 80% of the bottle in an evening and then go get some beer to keep the buzz going. It was really fucking awful, dude.

And you managed all of that while also functioning as a full-time employee of a business?
Not a very compelling argument, maaaan.

Nah bruv I've gone nowhere but down in weight over the past ten years.

I don't know that much about your life outside of Facebook-related gossip and other things that I try not to pay attention to, but I believe that you drink heavily, eat poorly, aren't particularly educated, and hold a shitty job. Did you have a coke habit at one point or was that someone else here? Your family is shit iirc so there's also a good chance that you inherited their shit genetics. You got cucked by some e-girlfriend and even though you aren't a virgin like I am, you seem more miserable than I am sexually-speaking. When you lose arguments on this forum you run and cry to your Magic the Gathering forum, and then when you lose arguments there or get banned you run back here and cry some more. You don't have very much self-confidence and overall seem to fit the typical profile of a soda and alcohol addicted subhuman, a needful whiny cunt that depends on the help of others. On the basis of those things I believe I am at the very least less subhuman than you are, even though I'll admit I am far from an optimal human being.
Go to a real doctor dude

He should go to an actual doctor, chiropractor's are not clinics and people get paralysed, if you might get paralysed atleast go to a clinic, just incase, not that it might happen anyways, but you should not go to a chiropractor.
I don't know that much about your life outside of Facebook-related gossip and other things that I try not to pay attention to, but I believe that you drink heavily, eat poorly, aren't particularly educated, and hold a shitty job. Did you have a coke habit at one point or was that someone else here? Your family is shit iirc so there's also a good chance that you inherited their shit genetics. You got cucked by some e-girlfriend and even though you aren't a virgin like I am, you seem more miserable than I am sexually-speaking. When you lose arguments on this forum you run and cry to your Magic the Gathering forum, and then when you lose arguments there or get banned you run back here and cry some more. You don't have very much self-confidence and overall seem to fit the typical profile of a soda and alcohol addicted subhuman, a needful whiny cunt that depends on the help of others. On the basis of those things I believe I am at the very least less subhuman than you are, even though I'll admit I am far from an optimal human being.
Only about 20% correct, tbh.

I don't really drink (once or twice a month at most).
Never had a coke addiction (tried it twice, not for me even though I joke about smoking crack).
My education was aight.
I work two shit jobs actually. I do get 50% discounts on coffee though so fuck it.
Not miserable sexually (laid daily).
I do crosspost between forums because it amuses me (in a "haha look at this guy" kinda way).

At least I don't make my pillows so crusty I can stand them up in the corner. So I consider myself the victor.
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Hobbies are really really important. I think they become even more important the older you get. When you get older you have access to like every single vice at your disposal, really important to like balance it out with something more positive.

Alsoooo, imma take myself over to the metal section. All this y’all about salty pillows have me feeling nauseous lol.

Edit: upon reading, you guys are savage as fuck.
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I was wondering where all the fighting went after Deron came in with the broom. There it is!
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