The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

My family is catholic and i went catholic school, it's easier to smile and go through the motions than be the edgy atheist son. I still know all the prayers and songs lol
yea it was an all boys school too, many became fags, in 5th grade bullies would dry hump me from behind, some would jerk off in class, look what a model catholic i turned out to be
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Had a pretty vicious migraine yesterday. Literally put me in the bathroom with the door closed, lights completely off with an icepack on my neck for an hour and lasted for hours more. Was looking into supplements to take and came up with magnesium and feverfew. Anyone have any experience with that stuff? I know the obvious acetaminophen and ibuprofen route but I was looking into something extra because they didnt help at all.

I'm not against herbal remedies but if you're going to give me a spell in a bottle or whatever like my friend Mandy offered I may be a bit skeptical.
Had a pretty vicious migraine yesterday. Literally put me in the bathroom with the door closed, lights completely off with an icepack on my neck for an hour and lasted for hours more. Was looking into supplements to take and came up with magnesium and feverfew. Anyone have any experience with that stuff? I know the obvious acetaminophen and ibuprofen route but I was looking into something extra because they didnt help at all.

I'm not against herbal remedies but if you're going to give me a spell in a bottle or whatever like my friend Mandy offered I may be a bit skeptical.

Hey get a cup of room temperature water one table spoon of apple cider vinegar with the mother in it and one table spoon of honey. Mix them well into the glass of water and drink it. Then if you have it massage your temples and the middle of your forehead (or just the areas that hurt) with either tea tree oil or peppermint oil. I hope that helps! If none of that helps take one excedrin.

Also I went to a Catholic all girls school too. I’m not sure if I’m fucked up sexually, though. Actually, I think I’m pretty normal. I mean I’ve been with the same dude for almost 11 years n the spark is still there. Though I think I was always like that even as a kid. I have really long relationships with people. My closest friends I’ve known them for 20 years n I see them weekly n talk to them almost every day. I don’t let people go I guess.
I think you might be an anomaly. Great strength of character lol. I know mainly dudes who went but the one or two girls who did an all girls school are pretty slutty too.

Pardon me... I mean open minded.

How about your old classmates, are they female args?
the one or two girls who did an all girls school are pretty slutty too.

Pardon me... I mean open minded.

Constantly trying to fill that void.
Merry Christmas UM! I was suppose to go see my boyfriends family since mine don’t really celebrate Christmas, but he got called into work. I’ll probably just drink and watch stuff at home and maybe go to my friends bar if she’s around. Recently started Dark and I’m hooked.
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Everyone I know who went to catholic school is sexually fucked up. Slutty, too open, some kind of fucked up. Do the nuns rape you guys? Wtf?

So the only difference between a Catholic school and a shitty state school is that the students wait until they've left to behave like that? A whole bunch of people in my year were pregnant when we were doing our GCSEs.

Just ordered one of these

and one of these

Gotta try mixing more melodic death industrial/power electronics shit with 80s cheese. Then the schoolgirls will flock to me. I shall breed my own clan of council estate degenerates.
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So the only difference between a Catholic school and a shitty state school is that the students wait until they've left to behave like that? A whole bunch of people in my year were pregnant when we were doing our GCSEs.

Just ordered one of these

and one of these

Gotta try mixing more melodic death industrial/power electronics shit with 80s cheese. Then the schoolgirls will flock to me. I shall breed my own clan of council estate degenerates.

Sick! I owned a Roland Juno-60 for a few years. It was awesome. Downside was that I felt like I was taking care of grandma, making sure I didn't break her hip on accident. Got rid of it a couple of years back. A portable setup like this looks perfect.
Started a new Bloodborne file. I can’t remember where one of the exits is from Cathedral Ward and it’s doing my head in. I’ve got the entrance to the Forbidden Woods, I’ve been to Charnal Lane, but there’s another area you can access with these annoying men that throw lightning shit iirc.

Edit: nvm, found out it. I thought it was an exit out of the big courtyard at the bottom but it isn’t.
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