I don't agree with this. What has changed significantly in the home life to cause this vs. what has changed in the education system and teaching methods? I think you'll find that the latter has had the largest impact on boys in school. Parents didn't just suddenly become useless at raising their sons in the last 20 years.
School and society has become anti-male, in-so-far as males don't act as females. The last havens are male team sports and to an increasingly lesser degree, fraternities, the military, and gangs.
But teachers did become suddenly useless, despite a usually strict curriculum followed generationally?
It's absolutely the parents. Social class is heritable and trash will begat trash.
That's not what I said.
Spoken like a true edgelord.
I wasn't saying that teachers have become useless, rather that the education system in most western nations has made it their mission to focus on and improve the female rates of success in schools and this has had a (unintentional I'm sure) backlash with males. It's a matter of the method of teaching that has changed and since education is top down the teachers cannot be blamed for what they're asked to engage in.
But you're right, it is an issue of the lower classes.
lol, what exactly is it that you think you've trademarked?
Please point to evidence of this "backlash with males".
on a semi-related note, idk if any of you heard this story but it made national news here and even some international news sites i think. this happened at my high school (sry if i mentioned it already): http://www.telegraph.co.uk/educatio...ents-complain-about-Muslim-prayer-lesson.html
That might actually be a problem because it's a "liberal" state. Can't have the kids have their feelings hurt or something. I don't agree that teachers should be fired for things like that, at all. She basically slammed the little cunt with a zinger and no doubt the no nonsense emotions based policy backfired on her, when it's actually supposed to make sure kids don't bully each other. Sounds like the exact kind of mess that would come out of a school in a "liberal" state.
I'd recommend you read The Minds of Boys by Michael Gurian or at least look up the sources and studies he cites in it. I'd love to have a giant autistic debate with you (not really) but I'm on a worksite right now.
Eh. Fuck knows what America is like but it was virtually always the more reactionary, conservative parents moaning and meddling when I was at school and going by what my mum, who works in a school, says, that's pretty much still the case.
I have worked at this school! But this was before my time.
depending on when it was you might still have seen me if you ever went in the nearby sainsbury's convenience lol. although i think i'd remember a polite nerd in a sacramentum shirt