The "What Are You Doing This Moment" Thread

@CASSETTEISGOD i know a lot is users here make it seem that America gives out a lot of things for free, but the reality is America does not. This isn’t Europe. I’m in a pretty liberal state and even here they’ll fire your ass if you say something “offensive” to the wrong person (aka someone who’ll report you). There was a situation at my old school in which a teachers assistant lost her job because some kid said the room smelt like a fart and her response was “if you smelt it then you dealt it.” The kid made a huge stink about it and she was fired.

I’m not trying to endorse self pity here. Contrary to all my complaints I actually do think this is one of the best jobs in the world. And I’m not being facetious or exaggerating. I truly mean that. However, I am also aware that they are under a lot more scrutiny than most professions even when they are just trying to do their job. I get that a lot of other jobs are equally just as demanding and difficult. Demanding and difficult doesn’t really bother me. What does bother me is the lack of respect because most teachers I know really do bust their ass and neglect their own families and life. I’d never question the police union even though I do think some police get away with murder. I don’t get people questioning teachers unions as if we just sit at our desk until it’s time to go.

I’m not familiar with Australian board of education. I’d have to look it up to speak on it. However, what I know now about teaching, I still support teachers unions. Revoking someone’s license is a serious thing. That should take time unless the teacher beat up a student or something.
@CASSETTEISGOD i know a lot is users here make it seem that America gives out a lot of things for free, but the reality is America does not.

Oh I don't think that at all. You're speaking to an Australian don't forget, probably the best social democracy on earth, at least imo.

I’m in a pretty liberal state and even here they’ll fire your ass if you say something “offensive” to the wrong person (aka someone who’ll report you). There was a situation at my old school in which a teachers assistant lost her job because some kid said the room smelt like a fart and her response was “if you smelt it then you dealt it.” The kid made a huge stink about it and she was fired.

That might actually be a problem because it's a "liberal" state. Can't have the kids have their feelings hurt or something. I don't agree that teachers should be fired for things like that, at all. She basically slammed the little cunt with a zinger and no doubt the no nonsense emotions based policy backfired on her, when it's actually supposed to make sure kids don't bully each other. Sounds like the exact kind of mess that would come out of a school in a "liberal" state.

I'm more opposed to technically shitty teachers, rather than teachers who don't mind messing with kids to take them down a peg or two.

I’m not trying to endorse self pity here. Contrary to all my complaints I actually do think this is one of the best jobs in the world. And I’m not being facetious or exaggerating. I truly mean that. However, I am also aware that they are under a lot more scrutiny than most professions even when they are just trying to do their job. I get that a lot of other jobs are equally just as demanding and difficult. Demanding and difficult doesn’t really bother me. What does bother me is the lack of respect because most teachers I know really do bust their ass and neglect their own families and life. I’d never question the police union even though I do think some police get away with murder. I don’t get people questioning teachers unions as if we just sit at our desk until it’s time to go.

Is this really true though? Seems like every single time I switch on a television, some show or pundit is heaping glowing praise on teachers. It's like right-wingers who complain about a lack of respect for police or military, it just doesn't connect with my reality. Teachers, doctors, nurses, fire fighters, cops, soldiers, those are all professions that seem to get universal social praise while at the same time are treated as if they're underappreciated.

I don't think teachers are so above us all and so without fault that questioning teachers unions (more accurately, questioning the sometimes very heavyhanded protections they give to teachers who should be subject to competition and failure to make the case that they deserve to remain employed by the teachers unions) is something beyond your ability to get.

I also think teachers have some blame in the male rate of failure in schools. The education system moreso.
Dude. Some unions -may- be too powerful and the police union -may- be an example of that. However, the teacher’s unions is sure the fuck not. Otherwise teaching wouldn’t have such a high turnover rate as it currently does. I can tell you the teachers union is not powerful at all. If anything, it’s actually pretty weak. It’s not my ability to get. Quite frankly, it’s my job I get it pretty damn clearly. I don’t think you really know how unions operate or what constitutes as a powerful union. I’m not being snarky, it’s really just what it is. If you can get fired over a comment then that should already tell you you’re not very protected.

All of those professions you listed may get praise but they are constantly under scrunity. Moreover, when something goes wrong it really is their ass on the line and especially with teachers they are typically the first ones to blame.

Also, kids failing has to do with their home situation moreso than teachers. Come on. You know how many kids I have that don’t know how to read in the 7th grade? How the hell is that the teachers fault and not the parents?
However, the teacher’s unions is sure the fuck not. Otherwise teaching wouldn’t have such a high turnover rate as it currently does. I can tell you the teachers union is not powerful at all. If anything, it’s actually pretty weak. It’s not my ability to get. Quite frankly, it’s my job I get it pretty damn clearly. I don’t think you really know how unions operate or what constitutes as a powerful union. I’m not being snarky, it’s really just what it is. If you can get fired over a comment then that should already tell you you’re not very protected.

There's only so many times I can explain that I am talking about unions here in Australia (a union-heavy country with a strong labour movement going back decades) and that I don't know the situation with unions in your country. I’m not being snarky, it is really just what it is. ;)

Also, kids failing has to do with their home situation moreso than teachers. Come on. You know how many kids I have that don’t know how to read in the 7th grade? How the hell is that the teachers fault and not the parents?

I don't agree with this. What has changed significantly in the home life to cause this vs. what has changed in the education system and teaching methods? I think you'll find that the latter has had the largest impact on boys in school. Parents didn't just suddenly become useless at raising their sons in the last 20 years.
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School and society has become anti-male, in-so-far as males don't act as females. The last havens are male team sports and to an increasingly lesser degree, fraternities, the military, and gangs.
I don't agree with this. What has changed significantly in the home life to cause this vs. what has changed in the education system and teaching methods? I think you'll find that the latter has had the largest impact on boys in school. Parents didn't just suddenly become useless at raising their sons in the last 20 years.

But teachers did become suddenly useless, despite a usually strict curriculum followed generationally? It's absolutely the parents. Social class is heritable and trash will begat trash.

"Suddenly" is a totally unsupported figure regardless, there is no significant negative change in literacy rates, crime rates, etc in American children.

School and society has become anti-male, in-so-far as males don't act as females. The last havens are male team sports and to an increasingly lesser degree, fraternities, the military, and gangs.

The thing I find most in common with these groups, save for maybe gangs, is a predilection towards anal sodomy in guise of hazing. Not surprising though, since man probably evolved ahead of women upon the enlargement of our prostates, whereby men could pleasurably have sex with each other without the baggage of childbirth and fathering, forming bonds of pederasty which would survive well past the neolithic into the iron age.
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But teachers did become suddenly useless, despite a usually strict curriculum followed generationally?

That's not what I said.

It's absolutely the parents. Social class is heritable and trash will begat trash.

Spoken like a true edgelord.

I wasn't saying that teachers have become useless, rather that the education system in most western nations has made it their mission to focus on and improve the female rates of success in schools and this has had a (unintentional I'm sure) backlash with males. It's a matter of the method of teaching that has changed and since education is top down the teachers cannot be blamed for what they're asked to engage in.

But you're right, it is an issue of the lower classes.
That's not what I said.

Spoken like a true edgelord.

I wasn't saying that teachers have become useless, rather that the education system in most western nations has made it their mission to focus on and improve the female rates of success in schools and this has had a (unintentional I'm sure) backlash with males. It's a matter of the method of teaching that has changed and since education is top down the teachers cannot be blamed for what they're asked to engage in.

But you're right, it is an issue of the lower classes.

Oh, I missed the full context, which is even more absurd than I had initially though. Please point to evidence of this "backlash with males".

Lower classes have always existed and have always displayed heritable failure, with the occasional cherry-picked Ben Carson or whatever to maintain the illusions that social mobility is easy to overcome if you just work hard (the conservative illusion) or that poverty can be solved by pulling a few social engineering levers (the liberal illusion).

EDIT: I take it back, the previous page had nothing to do with gender gaps or anything other than a brief RedPill(tm) you dropped at the end of one post, you're just being a dishonest cunt as always.
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That might actually be a problem because it's a "liberal" state. Can't have the kids have their feelings hurt or something. I don't agree that teachers should be fired for things like that, at all. She basically slammed the little cunt with a zinger and no doubt the no nonsense emotions based policy backfired on her, when it's actually supposed to make sure kids don't bully each other. Sounds like the exact kind of mess that would come out of a school in a "liberal" state.

Eh. Fuck knows what America is like but it was virtually always the more reactionary, conservative parents moaning and meddling when I was at school and going by what my mum, who works in a school, says, that's pretty much still the case.

Again, and I presume America is somewhat different (and it obviously varies greatly throughout the country), the whole 'all university students are snowflake libertards' thing that elements of the media go on and fucking on about has never been my experience of universities in the UK. The vast majority of students don't go to things like talks and debates so it's impossible for them to 'no platform' people speakers. Most just want to have fun and do well enough to get a job that isn't total fucking balls when they leave.

A single person on my course said something or other about some of the 'inappropriate' comments one of the lecturers had made and the reaction of virtually everyone else was to mock them.

The 'outrage' of so much of the media directed towards this small minority of 'outraged snowflakes' is just as fucking bad.
I'd recommend you read The Minds of Boys by Michael Gurian or at least look up the sources and studies he cites in it. I'd love to have a giant autistic debate with you (not really) but I'm on a worksite right now.

I just skimmed it and couldn't find a single chart or table that demonstrated that male student outcomes have worsened over the last few decades. All I've learned is that you get your talking points from self-help books written for middle-aged mothers with unruly children.
Eh. Fuck knows what America is like but it was virtually always the more reactionary, conservative parents moaning and meddling when I was at school and going by what my mum, who works in a school, says, that's pretty much still the case.

Probably true but I was implying that the "liberal" faculty probably came down hard on her due to a "liberal" environment at the school as well as more "liberal" pro-fee feez policies.